17 🗡 Da Xia's Vow

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In the manor of Count Cao Long, the main family had just finished dinner and were drinking tea while the concubines stood by the side to serve them. The difference in social status was very evident even with the quality of fabric used in their clothes.

Count Cao Long had one daughter to the main wife, and one daughter each to his three concubines. He unfortunately did not have an heir yet since his main wife had not birthed anymore after Cao Yan, and no son had survived from those born by concubines. Anyone could tell it was due to the scheming of the women of inner courts.

"Cao Yan, have you extended the manor invitation to the warrior who saved us?" the count asked.

"I did, father. But he was preoccupied with important tasks. I will just invite him again at a later time that is more convenient for him."

"Good. If he is a wandering warrior, I can arrange a post in the local government for him. Such skill in martial arts should not be wasted."

"Just inform me so I can prepare a banquet," Cao Yan's mother added.

"Yes, mother."

As Cao Yan sipped her tea, she swept her gaze toward Yin Yin and gave her an inconspicuous nod. Her maidservant made a move and pretended to trip, grabbing the arm of one concubine as she slumped on the ground. Shrieks of surprise filled the dining hall, but it was immediately halted when Count Cao Long slammed his hand on the table.

"Silence!" he yelled. "How could madams of this manor be unruly?"

No one wanted to attract the ire of the master of the house; hence, everyone clamped their mouth shut. Yin Yin picked up the small bottle that the concubine dropped and struggled to stand straight.

"M-Madam, this small bottle dropped from your sleeve," Yin Yin stuttered. "My apologies for accidentally grabbing your arm."

The concubine's face became ashen with fright as she hastily snatched the bottle from the maidservant.

"What could the content of that small bottle be?" Cao Yan's voice cut through the silence.

"I-it's just a bottle of perfume oil," the concubine reasoned nervously.

"A perfume oil that you have to bring while we are having our dinner?" Cao Yan arched her eyebrows at the woman.

"Bring that bottle to me and call a physician to check the contents," her mother ordered the other servants. For years of depending on each other, the pair of mother and daughter knew how to follow up on each other's actions.

"Madame! Please spare this lowly one!" the concubine pleaded. Once the physician investigates what the contents of the bottle was, there would be no room for denial. Just like what Cao Yan found out using her spies in the inner courtyard, the woman planned to put a slow-acting poison in the main wife's tea.

Cao Yan stood up and excused herself. Her mother already knew how to handle such despicable concubines, and her father wouldn't have any choice but to bestow a severe punishment. Yin Yin hastily walked behind her with her head hanging low.

"What did you find out about the warrior and his maidservant?"

"My lady, the two are travelers, and North Mountain country is their destination," Yin Yin started. She then recited the things that Da Xia told her.

"Hmm..." Cao Yan halted her steps and glanced at her maidservant with a measured gaze after listening to her report. "Continue visiting Da Xia and gather as much information as you possibly can."


Like what her lady instructed her to do, Yin Yin continued on going to the inn to chat with Da Xia. The little maiden would then give her details on what to report back to her lady as they conversed while doing some activities to pass time since Da Xia's martial arts training was now only conducted at night after her master's arrival.

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