08 🗡 The Value of a Maidservant

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By the time they reached the South River Academy, the afternoon classes had just ended. Most of the students were leaving the school while those who had night classes were dragging their zombie asses to class.

It took them a while to go to the school since they had to stop by Dana's condo so that Meili could change back to her appearance and so that they could once again remind her of the things she should never do in public, like murder for instance. With a bit of trepidation, Oreo and Ace guided her as they roamed around the premises.

Chun Empire had various schools as well, but never had Meili seen a place of learning as grand as the two lads' academy. In the modern world, classes were held inside a small, walled room, unlike in the empire where lessons were usually conducted in a wide pavilion or in an open room where students sat on the wooden floor with small tables in front of them.

The South River Academy was only similar in name to South River country where the witch was from. Unfortunately, she couldn't find any link to her world while they continued roaming.

They were in the fourth floor of the building in an isolated corner where the clubrooms were located, and they were striding along the hallway with a clear view of the school ground. As the witch marveled the various amenities and structures of the academy, she couldn't help but notice the growing discomfort in the two young guys' faces.

"What are you worried about?" she asked curiously.

"We might run into Hipo and his gang," Ace replied. "He's the one you beat up the night when you first met us."

Meili halted her steps and tipped her chin toward the clubroom where a group of guys were lounging. "You mean them?"

Oreo groaned frustratedly when he saw that Hipo and his gang took notice of them and were now storming out of the clubroom. For the first time, he was worried for the safety of these idiots. With Meili standing arrogantly in front like she was the queen of this land, those bastards would not have a bright future ahead.

It seemed his friend had the same thought as him since both of them started to frantically gesture at Hipo and his gang to just walk away while pointing at Meili. Of course the squad of morons chose to ignore their signs of compassion and still charged toward them. Apparently, even though they were still heavily bandaged and bruised, establishing their dominance took higher priority.

"Ace! Oreo! You bastards!" Hipo yelled angrily as he and his gang approached them. Before he could take another step further though, Meili blocked his path and pointed at him.

"You with the uncouth mouth," the witch pointed at Hipo's forehead. "How could you be a scholar when you are behaving in such an unrefined manner?"

The gang leader crossed his arms over his chest and looked pointedly at Ace and Oreo standing behind the witch. "Who's this chick this time? Don't think that the short shrimp last time will get away with what she did. We're going to settle scores with her later, so you better prepare."

"Walk away," Ace ignored the thug's threat and motioned for him to leave in order to save him from the explosive wrath of Meili. "Just walk away."

"Or run!" Oreo chimed in. "Annoying her will incur mortal retribution. In layman's term, you're gonna get killed, man."

They were seriously trying to save the stubborn idiot's ass since they'd seen what the witch was capable of. Her kung fu was not to be messed with, and she certainly knew a lot of lethal combinations. If someone needed an assassin, look no further, Meili would be the best candidate.

However, the two guys' warnings just sparked Hipo's anger. He faced the tall, gorgeous lady and trailed his gaze up and down her body before sneering at her.

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