15 🗡 Summoned Man

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Grand Jade City – the capital of Chun Empire – was located in North Mountain country. The vibrant life of the capital was incomparable to the other cities that Cheng Bai had visited.

As soon as they entered the enormous gates, the loud and exhilarating atmosphere welcomed the small group of Snow Cloud sect. The complex noises of the capital as well as the chatter of the crowd entered their ears, large carriages bearing the insignias of important families could be seen, and there were different impressive establishments lined up on both sides of the road. The people exuded the wit and confidence of someone who had dealt with the daily chaos of a large city, and there was a clear distinction of social status judging by the clothes that people wear.

It was late spring when the small group of Snow Cloud sect riding on their horses arrived. They first secured an inn located near the palace gates to freshen up before requesting an audience with the emperor. Since the capital was situated at the northern part of Chun Empire, the heat of upcoming summer could barely be felt. Despite the refreshing air, Cheng Bai couldn't help but sweat profusely when they were finally granted entrance to the palace after Headmaster Yin Zhen's token was shown by the palace guards to the head eunuch.

Meeting the emperor, the ruler of all lands in Chun Empire, was the highest honor an ordinary disciple like Cheng Bai could ever dream of. Upon entering the palace gate, his eyes widened at the grandeur that blessed his eyes. There were multiple halls and walkways, and the palace area was a gigantic complex that stretched far and wide. As they were ushered by the eunuch, he was committing every step he made inside the historical place in his memory. It was difficult to believe that he would be given such honor because of the charcoal drawing they chanced upon in South River country.

While waiting outside of the Palace of Divine Harmony, which was the grand hall of reception where the main throne of the emperor was situated, Cheng Bai was palpitating in a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Part of the lessons in their sect was how to properly conduct themselves in front of others, and that included people with position of power like the emperor. It never crossed his mind that he would be able to apply what he learned.

He still had his head lowered humbly when he heard the huge doors being opened. The clear and loud voice announcing their presence to the emperor resonated in the vicinity. They immediately moved and entered the hall in large and purposeful strides before kowtowing in front of the ruler of the land.

Cheng Bai had only seen the floor as he followed the steps of his seniors and their headmaster. He was itching to have a look at the throne and at the emperor, but he prevented himself from doing so. Headmaster Yin Zhen led them in doing the customary respectful greeting and in wishing the emperor long life.

"Rise," an authoritative and firm voice commanded, sending chills down his spine. As they were about to stand, the disciple who just turned twenty years old wasn't able to control his curiosity anymore and stole a glance at the throne and at the emperor. His heart almost stopped and his entire body trembled when he saw the formidable man with extraordinary bearing sitting at the highest seat of power looking at him as though he had known beforehand that he would steal a glance. He swiftly lowered his head, his breathing becoming labored as he stood rigidly.

His Majesty Pan Hua, current ruler of the Tiger dynasty of Chun Empire, was renowned for his sharp wit and for his effective governance through his innovative ideologies. The economy of the empire flourished and the people were blessed with an era of prosperity and peace under his rule.

Even though the forty-three-year-old emperor was known for his benevolence and for being just, no ruler could retain his throne without an ounce of ruthlessness. For years, Emperor Pan Hua had successfully subdued the rebellions of some of the tributaries of Chun Empire and had defeated the enemy states that tried to conquer the land. He had also expanded the empire's territory. Aside from these military accomplishments, the emperor was also known for stimulating growth in arts and literature. And for that reason, Cheng Bai knew that he would appreciate what they brought with them.

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