|Chapter |04|

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A couple of weeks have passed since Estelle started her lessons with Killian. She was starting to get used to the exercises and wouldn't get tired as quick as she used to. Killian was a really strict teacher. He wouldn't let her have a big break and would make her do an exercise all over again if she stopped.

Estelle would be exhausted by the end of every lesson. She would be really sweaty and wouldn't feel her body. She had started getting stronger and have more endurance. He let her punch the boxing bag after a week since he wanted her to get a little used to the exercises.

She would get really excited everytime he would allow her punch the bag. She would put all of her strength and hit as hard as she would. Killian would watch her from the side with his hands crossed over his chest. She noticed he would do that most of the time she would spent with him.

He had taught her some techniques and some self defense moves. She would pay a lot of attention and try to do it as good as she could. She would try to start a conversation with him but his answers would be either short or he wouldn't answer at all. She hadn't managed to learn something about him or his life since he was a closed person.

She wouldn't persuade him to answer. It didn't really bother either considering the fact that she leanred how cold he was.

She learned from Sarah that he had an younger brother and his family was involved with drugs. His parents would get death threats by the dealers and they sold their own children to them to pay off their depth. Killian started boxing to gain some money and be able to leave that place, taking his little brother with him.

Estelle wanted to ask how she knew all these stuff about him but them she remembered that his parents were friends with her father. She felt awful for Killian. He went through so much and she wouldn't be able to imagine how it would be to get betrayed by your own family.

She was glad that him and his brother were fine but that still didn't mean that they were mentally fine. She though that maybe this was the reason behind his cold attitude and closed character.

It was late at night and Estelle had sneaked out of her house once again, to go buy some snacks from the small supermarket down her street. She was happily walking down the street while holding a bag with her favorite snacks.

Suddenly, she felt someone grab her from behind and something cold on her neck. She froze as she felt her blood run cold. Her heart beat faster as she gulped. She was terrified.

"You are gonna be a good girl and give me your bag along with your wallet or else I have other ways of getting them , that you wouldn't enjoy." She heard a hoard voice coming from behind her as he pressed the knife harder against her neck, making her wince in pain as she felt him scratch her.

Her mind went blank and she forgot all the lesson Killian had taught. It was like she couldn't think. She vigorously nodded her head and sighed in relief as his hold on her loosen.

She elbowed him on his side, making him groan and pull away from her. She went to run away but a hand stopped her and turn her around. Before she knew, she felt a hard smack on her cheek, sending her on the floor. Her head hit the street hard as she groaned in pain.

She heard him approaching her and she self herself panick. She waited for the pain to come but she felt nothing. She slowly opened her eyes and a gasp of shock escaped her lips.

Thr man was on the floor while Killian was on top of him, punching him. She groaned, making his head snap at her direction. He raised himself and went to her but not before he kicked him on the side one more time.

He crunched beside her and cupped her face with his rough hands. She stared into his angry eyes. His eyes studied her face and the next thing she knew, he picked her up bridal style. Her breath hatched as she felt goosebumps rose on her hands.

She felt him move and looked over his shoulder to see the man, passed out. She leaned her head on his shoulder in hopes to make the pain go away. She didn't ask him where they were going as she felt safe in his hands. She knew he wouldn't hurt her.

She breathed in his cologne and immediately felt herself relax in his arms." Are you ok?" She head his familiar manly voice, filled with concern. She nodded her head, not finding her voice. He sighed.

"Do you want me to take you home?" He asked her curious. She shook her head no. She didn't want her parents to find out what happened and probably ground her. She knew they would lock her widow and she wouldn't be able to go to the lessons or be able to see him, something she found out she wanted to do. She liked being around him a lot.

"Do you want to come to my house?" He questioned, with no emotion. She once again nodded her head and closed her eyes, sighing softly. Killian to them to his car, placing her on the passenger's seat gently and put on her seat belt for her. She was staring at him with a soft look the whole time. She felt grateful to him for saving her.

He close ther door and walked around the hood of the car and got inside. He started the engine, feeling her gaze on his the whole time. He would look at her during the way to his house. He wanted to make sure that she wasn't asleep or had fainted. He was glad he found her before something worse had happened.


Hey lovelies! How are you guys doing? I hope everything's going great for you!

So, guys Looks like Killian cares a little bit for our Estelle or maybe he feels something stronger for her but you guys will find out in the chapter which will be released soon!!

Thank you for reading! I hope you guys like it! I wish you all a great day!

Stay beautiful and don't forget to smile!

Much love<3,

Much love<3,

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