Chapter 8

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The small ting from my phone made my hand instantly dart for it. Unlocking my phone I clicked on the unknown contact in my messages.

'Hi this is Chan
sorry I haven't been able to contact you
I've been busy with work.'

'Hi! I completely understand, you have to earn money for a living some how'

I bit my lip as I sent the message in response. Did I reply to fast? I hope he doesn't think I was waiting this whole time.

'How come you never told me you
Had a singer in the family? Do you
Sing as well? Music is actually a
Passion if mine!'

I furrowed my brows at his text, a singer in the family? Nobody in my family sings! Maybe he got mixed up with someone else.

'I think you mixed me
Up with someone else. Nobody
In my family sings:('

'What? You're sister sang today!
She left 30 minutes ago, is she not
Home yet?'

Just as I read the message the room door bursted open and my sister bursted in with a smile as if she was the happiest girl. Envy filled my veins as I watched her sit down in a chair in front of the small vanity in the room. "I just had the best night!"

"Yeah I was told." I gave her cold stare as I watched her daydream about the night she had. It should have been me there with him. Wasn't she supposed to be with Xavier anyways? Thoughts rushed through my head as I gripped my phone tightly. A call seemed to snap Ophelia out of her trace.

"Hello? Ah yeah I just got home! Make sure you guys don't stay out too late! Alright, bye Chan" The way his name rolled out of her mouth made my blood boil, god why am I mad anyways. It's not like he'd take interest in her. God what am I saying. It's like I had no control over myself. "You were out with Chan?" I sneered at her as she stared at me shock from the tone of my voice.

"He came up to Xavier and me while we were out eating" She frowned not understand why I was acting like this. "Yeah eating? Are you sure you were out there trying to be a wannabe singer?"

"N/N why are you acting like this? I haven't done anything wrong to you!" She'd offended as she stood from her seat. "You went behind my back to go see Chan right? You know I like him!" I shout not holding my anger in as Ophelia stood their speechless. "You think I planned meeting him! I meet him out of coincidence!"

"Coincidence my ass! Is that why you're dressed like that? I mean you look like a slut!" After those words left my mouth her face dropped as her arms wrapped around her body. "So what! What if I hung out with him? I can't have friend now?" She glared at me with teary eyes before rushing to her suit case that was next to her bed.

"Not with him! I like him!" I shout as I watch Ophelia pull out a black jacket and put it on: "what if I like him too!?" She raised her voice at me for the first time as she zipped the hoodie up. "You can't! I liked him first and you know it!"

"You can't tell me what to do or how to feel! You don't own him nor me! For fucks sakes maybe you're not my sister because a sister doesn't make their other half feel like this!" She yelled before storming out the room and seconds later a loud bang was heard, probably the front door. I run my hands through my hair as I throw my phone onto the other bed.

"Hey I heard you two yelling..." A soft voice spoke making me look towards the door, there stood Jessi and Xavier since they were the only ones home right now. "She was telling the truth, we didn't know they would be there, he came up to us" The boy said as Jessi took a seat next to me on the bed.

"It's okay to be jealous but taking it out in someone isn't right. You said hurtful stuff to her, you shamed her for her choice of clothing." The older female said grabbing my hands. "I wasn't jealous" I scoffed looking away. "Oh cut the crap Y/N! You're jealous but you had no right to yell at her for it!" Xavier yelled.

"You're just defending her because you like her! You'd do anything to protect her but you know what?! As soon as she finds her soulmate she'll leave you behind like dirt!" The boy scoffed at my words as he walked closer to me.

"Worry about yourself rather than who i'm interested in" He jammed his finger into my shoulder harshly before turning around and walking away. My eyes darted to Jessi who gave me a sad smile. "I'll go get your sister so you two can talk" she said softly before grabbing the door knob and closing the door.

I groaned in anger as i sat on the bed, I didn't do anything wrong. She was the one breaking the girl code and trying to get close to the guy i like.

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