Chapter 4

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I stretched my arms as I let the cold air tickle my warm body. Looking next to me I see my sister still sleeping peacefully. "Sleep well O" I whispered moving the hair from her face before getting off the bed and picking clothes from my stuff to shower.

As I opened the room door I came face to face with someone else making me let out a scream. "Ow my ears" Xavier hissed covering his ears, my scream having working him up fully. "Why the hell were you standing in front of my room door?!"

"First, this is Ophelias room and second, I came to ask her for my face care products that she has in her luggage" He explained himself before trying to peck into the room. "She's sleeping so be quick and no funny business" I warned before letting him pass and making my way to the bathroom.

"So which twin are you?" A deep voice questioned as I walked out the bathroom. There against the wall was a guy around my age. He was tall and from his body you could tell he was an athlete giving him away. "You must be Robin, I'm Y/N" I introduced myself.

"I wonder what was going through my moms head letting her bring two girls into the house, maybe my fantasies will come to life" He smirked before a hand smacked him in the back of the head.

"Stop being a pervert Robin! Geez you'd get along with all the gross perverts back in Australia" Amber said with a face of disgust as Robin rubbing the back of his head. "That hurt Auntie" He pouted.

"Go help your mom set the table or I'll tell her what gross things come out your mouth" She warned as the boy quickly farted down the stairs and to the kitchen I assume. "Robin is...something" I spoke.

"Taehyung and Jeonsan better not grow up to be like him" Amber whined before slithering her way into the bathroom. "Now if you excuse me, I have to shower" With that she shut the door leaving me standing there.

"Oh by the way Xavior and Ophelia already showered using Jessis bathroom" She said popping her head out the bathroom making me jump in shock. "Got-"The door slamming interrupted my sentence. "-it"


"Have fun at school!" Amber shouted out in English causing people to stare and Robins face to flare up from the attention. "See you after school Robin dear~" I teased before Jessi rolled up the windows. "As much as I'd love to see Robin get teased, I promised to take you guys on a tour!" She exclaimed.

"First stop, my favorite cafe for some coffee!" She drove off from the school as Amber turned on music. The whole ride to the cafe was filled with everyone screaming along the lyrics to songs.

"Hello, can I have 2 iced Americanos, a caramel mocha and 2 vanilla lattes" Ophelia ordered because Amber was scared to, Xaviers Korean was very minimal and I didn't remember Jesus order.

"Alright that'll be $xx.xx" Ophelia handed her the cash Jessis gave us before giving her name and dragging us to the side to wait for the order. "Sorry O, if my Korean was any good than I'd order" Xavier gave her a sheepish smile.

"It's fine, I don't mind since you guys used to do it for me all the time back home" She gave him a smile as his cheeks flared up making Amber and I grin.

"I smell love in the air~" Amber sang as the boy quickly shook his head. "N-No! You guys know I like someone!" He tried to defend himself but his face said otherwise. "Hey, the guy with the laptop was staring at us.." Ophelia mumbled as our attention shifted to the male sitting down with a laptop and a notebook.

"Hey he's pretty cute" Amber smirked before I smacked the back of her head. "Don't say that out loud, what if he understands English" I whispered looking at the guy. We made eye contact and it felt as if I had butterflies in my stomach.

Something was telling me to go over to him, to be near him.

Ophelias POV

My heart fluttered as the guy looked in our direction. I felt like I was on cloud nine end I surely didn't want to leave.
"Ophelia!" My name being called out snapped me out my trance as I looked at my sister. She looked so in trace, just like I was.

It's him, our soulmate. Biting my lip, I turn around to go grab our order. "Here let me help" Xavier spoke from next to me as he grabbed the cup tray leaving me to take the one single coffee cup. "Thanks" I mumbled before looking back to Amber and Y/N.

Y/N had a flustered face, her ear tips being a very faint red shade. As I turn my eyes to our soulmate, he seemed to be a light shade of red with a sheepish smile as he looked down at his notebook.

As if something was telling me to leave I did. "Let's go to the car first" I told Xavier as I walked ahead. I knew from the start I was going to give up our soulmate for her but I didn't expect it to hurt this much. As long as Y/N can be happy then it'll be worth it all.

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