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Well, you guys asked for it! 

This is the OFFICIAL sequel to Taken and Trained. This story will follow Arthur, his family, and his pack as secrets are revealed about the world they live in. I hope you enjoy and please comment what you think!!

And so it begins...


"It's going to be so great, baby. Just picture what's going to happen afterwards," Arthur coaxed.

An eighteen-year-old Thea was laying on the grass and writhing in pain. Alpha Blaton came to her other side and gave her some water. She was in the middle of her first shift—the most painful shift of all.

"It hurts," she whimpered. Her other father soon joined her side as well and sat down next to his mate.

Because Arthur had shifted early enough, he didn't really feel any of the pain. His Lycan took over for him and soon enough he had paws and a tail. He was sad he didn't exactly know what Thea was going through, but he'd help her as much as he could.

"It's going to be alright," Arthur murmured and pushed her hair back from her forehead. He grabbed onto her left hand tightly. This was going to be a long process.

A while later, Lilia and Lev announced they were taking their leave and would be back in the morning to see Thea's wolf. They had never been a fan of the way Thea and Arthur acted together but Arthur stood by himself.

He knew they were wrong.

"You can do it, mate," he crooned in Thea's ear. She turned to him with a smile and both parents turned away with a grimace when they kissed. An hour later, it was finally starting. The snap of her bones was horrific, and Arthur almost closed his ears, but then he would have to let go of her hand. He wasn't going to stop comforting her.

It took another hour in itself, but finally, Thea was almost completely shifted. With one last snap, Arthur's excitement peaked. This was it.

Arthur's hand fell away from Thea's paw as she stood, stumbling, and shook out her fur with a wolfy grin. When she turned towards Arthur, her grin disappeared, and her tail moved in between her legs.

Arthur was horrified.

It wasn't possible. His Lycan called out to her, how was she not his mate? This wasn't real. Arthur shook his head and looked at her again. It was real. No. His parents had been right.

Alphas Blaton and Luke moved towards their daughter as she shifted back quickly and scrambled towards Arthur.

"We're not mates," Arthur whispered aloud in horror. He was in love with deeply in love with her. Why was the Goddess doing this to him?

Alpha Luke gasped in awe as tears filled Thea's eyes. Over time, everyone also began to think of them as mates. It didn't make sense! Why was his Lycan still calling out to her? As Thea took a step forward, Arthur took one back. He didn't know what to do. His soulmate was somewhere out there and he had been cheating on them.

Without another word, Arthur shifted into his Lycan and sprinted back to the house. The small trip only took a minute and he didn't bother trying to be quiet as he stormed in and headed straight for his family's alcohol cabinet.

"Everything okay?" Arthur almost dropped the bottle in his hand when he heard Kat's voice from the corner of the kitchen. The teenager was sitting on the floor, in the corner of the kitchen, eating a chocolate pudding cup.

"What the hell are you doing up?"

"I was hungry," his sister shrugged and scooped another spoonful into her mouth. "What happened?"

"Thea and I aren't mates," Arthur's throat clogged. He took a swig of rum to wash it down.

"Oh," Kat's eyes widened in horror.


"I'm sorry."

"Yeah," He said again and took another swig. The lights and voices had attracted attention from upstairs, it seemed, as Lev squinted his way down the stairs.

"What happened?" He asked and scratched the stubble on his chin. Kat picked her pudding and herself up off the floor.

"Goodnight," she murmured to both of them before exiting the kitchen. This wasn't her conversation to have and she didn't want to stick around for a sappy conversation.

"Thea and I aren't mates," Arthur said and swallowed dryly. Lev clasped a hand on his shoulder, rubbing softly while he took the bottle. Instead of tossing it, like Arthur thought, but took a drink instead.

"What are you going to do about it? Did you leave her there?" Lev asked quietly.

"I didn't know what to do. Her parents were still there, so I left," Arthur answered. Lev took another drink and handed it back to his son.

"So you're just going to ditch her because you're not mates?"

"I don't want to cheat on my mate, dad, any more than I already have," Arthur said bitterly. He took another swig of the rum and finished the bottle.

"You guys have been friends since you were kids. Don't throw that away," Lev suggested. "She's probably feeling horrible right now."

"I love her, dad." Arthur hung his head and messed with his hair.

"That love doesn't have to go away. Call her and talk to her. She—"

"Lev? Are you down here?" Lilia's voice came from the top of the stairs.

Lev stood and called back to her, "Yeah. I'll be right there, honey!" He turned back to his son. "Call her then get to bed, but shower first. Your mother is going to kick both of our asses if you smell like alcohol."

"Got it," Arthur smiled. Lev walked up the stairs slowly and quietly, turning lights off on the way up. Arthur heard his parents greet each other, and then...

"Why do you smell like rum? Were you drinking? Did you get up from bed just to drink?" Lilia quizzed him. Lev simply shushed her and walked them both back to their room.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, son!" He shouted from the top of the stairs.

"Arthur's down there? What's he doing down there?" Their voices soon became muffled by their bedroom door closing and Arthur pulled his phone out of his pocket. He had a single missed call from her and clenched his phone tighter as he stared at her name.

A few seconds later, he was able to gather the courage.



A LOT of you asked for Thea not to be his mate. I did this because this is how the story starts, but don't get too attached to anything. Things may be different than they seem. :)

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