chapter twenty-eight

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You slowly started to woke up again.
Looked like you had passed out again after they had put you into the cell. You slowly opened your eyes, and just to notice that your head was leaning against Loki's lap.

Your eyes widened open and you jump up and backed yourself against the wall.
"Hussh Y/N, it just me." he said gently, like a first time ever. You were just shocked that you had found yourself on his lap.
"Don't you ever touch me again." you murmured and watched from the corner how Loki sighed heavily and then went back to his corner as well.
"I was just trying to help you, little midgardian." he grumbled and was obviously offended by your words. You raised your eyebrows and rolled your eyes in amuse.
"You? Trying to help me? Since when you had cared?" you said with a laugh following afterwards. Loki looked down at his hands, he looked upset.

Did he really just got hurted by your words?

"Oh come on, don't act like you care. We both know you don't care about anyone." you mumbled and rolled your eyes again with a sigh coming out of you mouth. Loki turned to look at you again.
"Is that what you really think of me, little midgardian?" he asked, his voice sounded little hurted but he clearly tried to hide it.
"That's what everyone thinks.." you said and looked away, through the cell.

It was dark, no lights anywhere else but one in your cell. You felt exhausted and helpless. You were never going to get out of here, not alive.

Loki's head leaned against the wall as he looked away as well. He was offended by your words. But was it just pretending? Was this part of his sick plan again?


After a couple of hours had passed, you heard the cell's door opening again. You looked up and saw the guards.
"Alright let's try it again." the other said and lifted you up from the floor.
"Get your hands off of me." you grumbled and kicked the man straight to his leg, forcing him to kneel down out of pain. The other got furious because of it and punched you straight at your stomach, and you collapsed on your knees, holding your stomach. It was really hard to breathe, all the air had left from your lungs 'cause of the hard punch.

Loki stood up with the strength he had left and tried to kick the man who had hurted you. But obviously he didn't have enough strength for that, he was too exhausted so he had to fell against the wall, after the guard had hit him on the face.

Why he was trying to defend you?

"Enough!" the other who you had kicked, yelled, while he tried to stood up again.
You were still on your knees on the floor, holding your stomach and trying hard to breathe again.
And then the other grabbed your arms and lifted you up. You didn't have the strength or power to resist anymore so you had to give up.
Loki was sitting on the floor, holding his bleeding nose with that pitying look on his face.
"I'm sorry.." he mumbled.

Then they dragged you again out of the cell, while you still tried to struggle and yell. You even begged them to let you go, but they didn't care. Why would they?

While you were dragged by your arms, you had that one question in your head:

What was Loki sorry about?


"Hey guys, have you seen Y/N today?" Clint asked when he had arrived to the common room. Steve, Nat and Thor were there, watching a movie together.
"No, why?" Nat asked while she paused the movie to get their attention focused on Clint.
"We were supposed to train together this evening, but she wasn't in her room or actually anywhere in this whole building." Clint told them, he was really concerned.
"And usually she keeps her promises or tells me if she isn't going to make it on time."

"Well, Tony was actually looking for her earlier today, she hadn't got home from school. But Pepper said that she just might be at Peter's." Thor shrugged.

"But that can't be possible.." Clint mumbled by himself. He new damn well that Y/N and Peter didn't talk to each other at the moment.
"What isn't?" Steve spoke up, he had worried tone in his voice. He had noticed how concerned Clint was and when Clint was concerned, it meant that something has to be terribly wrong.
"I'd like to know that too." Tony said suddenly. He had entered to the room so quietly that nobody hadn't noticed. And now he was looking Clint, with pungent look in his eyes.
"Well..." Clint struggled. Of course he was worried about Y/N, but usually they didn't tell each other's secrets to anybody. It always has been like that.

But Clint also wanted to help Y/N, if there was a chance that she was in need of help. Then he would do anything to help her, even tell her secret if it was going to help.

"Y/N and Peter... they kind of got into a huge fight like a week ago, and haven't talk to each other since then. So there's no possibility that she would be there." Clint said, feeling little guilt for revealing her secret.
"I knew something was wrong..." Tony mumbled to himself.

Now the team started to get really worried.

"Have you tried to reach her again?" Thor asked as they all gathered aound Clint and Tony.
Tony shook his head, he hadn't tried again after the first time. Even though he would had wanted, but Pepper had been so sure about where she was that Tony hadn't done that.
He pulled his phone out again and tried to call Y/N. The others waited impatiently while Tony was on his phone.

"Nothing." he sighed and closed his phone.
"She usually doesn't act like this, what if something had happened to her?" Clint said, sounding now more concerned than ever about his best friend. Tony stared into nothing, he was clearly thinking this situation through in his head. Trying to figure out what was going on.

"Jarvis, try to track Y/N's phone." he ordered then and everbody turned to listen carefully. It took those awful two minutes while Jarvis worked, trying to find Y/N.
"Mr. Stark. I can't find her phone. Looks like it's turned off." Jarvis replied.

Tony kicked the table near him, he was pissed and frustrated. Nat and Steve looked at each other, they had a same feeling what had possibly happened.
"What if... this is something to do with Loki again?" Nat asked carefully, she tried her best to keep Tony much as calm as possible. Tony turned to look at Thor and he new already what Tony was going to ask.
"No, I don't haven't got any signs of him. But I can't deny the fact that it could be possible." Thor said firmly, he knew damn well what his brother was capable to do.

"We need to find your brother now, he might had kidnapped her again." Tony ordered the others. And they all nodded in agreement, it was only sense making reason for Y/N's disappearing, again.

"I'll go to Asgard, just in case if he could be in there again. And I'll ask help from the all-father too." Thor suggested firmly, and after they had agreed to it, Thor picked up his mjolnir and left.

Meanwhile, the whole team had gathered at Tony's lab, including Pepper.
"What's wrong?" Pepper asked when she was the last one who had arrived. She sounded little worried.
"I think that there is a chance that Loki had done something to our daughter, again." Tony sighed and rest of the team except Steve, Clint and Nat, gasped.
"How do you know that?" Pepper asked and walked over her husband. She didn't want to believe it, not again.
"I don't, but there is no other option that makes more sense than this." Tony replied. And then he explained Pepper the same what Clint had explained to them.

"Oh my god..." Pepper gasped when Tony had finished his story. She was horrified and now truly worried about her daughter.

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