chapter eleven

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You were leaning against the wall, next to the force field. You tried not to touch it, you didn't want to know what would happen to you if you did.

After the guard had exposed their secret, he had be keeping his eye on you. But you didn't care, you only cared about the fact that Thor was here.
Or was he anymore?
Maybe it was already too late, he might had already left back to earth.

The guard's eyes turned at the direction of sound of footsteps. You turned towards the sound as well.

Maybe it was Thor? Maybe he had found you?

But no, you got disappointed as you saw Loki, walking over the guard.
"Everything alright, my prince?" guard asked politely and bowed a little. Loki nodded and was just about to say something, but you interrupted them.
"So you managed to sent him away?" you sighed. You were already tired of this shit, exhausted of being a prisoner that you didn't even care what you said to him.
Loki looked at you little confused first, but then he turned on the guard again.
"You told her!" Loki growled at him, he became furious just like by snapping fingers.
"I... I'm so sorry, my prince. It was... a trap." guard stuttered in fear.
Loki pulled out his weapon and took slowly few steps towards the guard.
" please sir. Don't kill me.." he kept stuttering, he panicked.
You watched from aside as Loki lifted up his weapon and stabbed him, right through his body.
The guard looked shocked at Loki, but soon the life in his eyes vanished, as he took his last breath.

Loki pulled out the weapon from his chest and left him there, lying on his back, lifeless.

"Looks like I won't never have a loyal server." Loki grinned and then looked up at you.
You stood up and backed off as he walked towards you.
"And you... I must say that I'm impressed. You have more abilities than I have imagined." he said, little proudly. You glared at him, you only felt pure anger and hate at him.

But then, Loki's grin disappeared as he took quickly few steps backwards and held his head. You looked at him confused as you took few steps forwards at the same time.

You felt his pain again.

He dropped his weapon and fell on the ground.
Then, he kind of like, zoned out. You watched from other side of the shield, how he stared into nothing.

Then he talked.

"No, I won't do that." he said, but to who? Then he was silent for a minute.

"Yes, it will happen, the army will be ready soon." he added, still staring into nothing.

What the hell was going on?

And what does the 'army will be ready soon' mean? Is he going to attack? On Asgard? On earth?

But you didn't have more time to think about it when he snapped back to this world. He climbed slowly back on his feet, he was all sweaty again. You looked at him confused as he turned his eyes at you. He looked so tired and exhausted, you really wondered why.

But you didn't have time to ask when you suddenly heard footsteps from the palace's direction.


When Thor had gave his report of Midgard's well-being and the chitauries attack to Odin, he decided to get back to the others. He promised them to come back soon, to help with Y/N, so he didn't have time to hang around the palace this time.

He was walking through the corridors when he heard a voice, coming from the stairs which led to the dungeons.
It sounded like someone just got hurted.

Thor walked towards the dungeons and went down the stairs. He noticed that there was no one there, which made him more curious. Where the hell did that sound came from?
He pulled out mjolnir and walked around the corridors of the dungeons.
Thor walked to the end of the head corridor and saw a little doorway to stairs that led more downwards. He hadn't seen it before, and he had been many times in the dungeons. Specially when he was a kid, he played with Loki down there many, many times.

He slowly walked down the stairs and when he got to their end, he saw a same looking hall, with dungeons without any prisoners. It was weird, because he had no idea that they had extra dungeons down there.
He walked around the place, but he didn't saw anyone.

Maybe he had just heard wrong?

No, now he heard something else.


It sounded like... Y/N.

Thor looked around couple of times again, but he didn't saw anyone in there. He was so sure he heard Y/N's voice.
But how could it even be possible? He was in Asgard, there's never a chance that she could be in here.

So, Thor turned back to palace, disappointed, and confused about the voices he heard.

He walked to the Bifrost and went back to Midgard, with no good news with him.

"So, any news?" Clint asked when Thor arrived to the common room.
Tony was also there, sitting on the couch in his thoughts while Steve played with Morgan on the floor.
Thor looked at the ground and shook his head.
"No, I'm sorry." he replied sadly and apologizing. Clint and Tony sighed heavily and Steve looked up at Thor, making a 'it's okay' look on his face.

Thor didn't want to mention the sound of Y/N's voice he had heard in the dungeons. He didn't want them to think he was crazy or something.
He sat down on the couch with others.
"What about the chitauries? Did SHIELD discover their reason to attack?" Thor asked.
"No, they only discovered that they used some kind of portal to enter into the city. But we have no idea why they attacked." Steve replied. He was clearly disappointed that they hadn't find anything important about their attack.
"Well, I hope they figure it out soon..." Nat said suddenly after she had entered to the room while Steve and Thor were talking.
"Maybe they give us some clues about Y/N's location." she added and sat down on the floor with Steve and Morgan.
"I really do hope so." Tony sighed and looked down at Morgan who smiled a little at her father.

Rest of the team hadn't actually never seen Tony like that. He was absent, sad, tired and he spent the whole days in his lab, trying to track Y/N. Pepper had started to worry about his husband, he acted so strangely.

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