°˖✧ icecream swirls » george weasley ✧˖°

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—author's note: This idea just kinda occurred to me after going through one of my old fanfiction and I just wrote it down in one sitting. So what about you and George sneaking out to a nearby muggle town in the middle of the night?

—warning(s): mentions of food, sleeplessness, gender neutral!reader (pronouns aren't used).

—word count: 770

It was midnight and no matter what you did, you couldn't sleep. You turned towards the clock once again. 12:01. Groaning at the sounds of your roommates snoring you sat up on the bed. Quietly putting your coat and slippers on, you moved to George's dorm. Maybe you would just lay beside him until you fell asleep. You opened the door to their room carefully, peeking inside before stepping in. George along with Fred and Lee sat on the floor playing a card game. George's eyes widened on seeing you.

"What are you doing here?" he whisper-shouted.

"I couldn't sleep," you whisper-shouted back, shrugging. "So I thought I'd come see you. What are you all doing?"

"Playing UNO,"

"It's a muggle game—"

You hummed, sitting down beside George who took your hand giving a kiss on your cheek making you smile.

"What do you say we get out of here?" you said softly to him. He raised his eyebrows. "I'm wide awake and not gonna fall asleep any time soon."


George told the boys he'd see them later as the two of you got up to leave. Tip-toing across the common room, you made it out of the portrait hole.

"So where do you want to go?" George asked as you suddenly got an idea.

"Do you have your map?" you asked cheekily as he nodded and handed it to you.

"Just follow me."

You took George's hand taking him to a place you went with your friends for years. Come to think of it, you had no idea why you never went with him there. George furrowed his eyebrows in question and asked you again a few times. Shaking your head you told him it's a surprise. It only made him more curious. The two of you sneaked across the grounds, George getting antsier by the second. Soon, the worn-out path to the small town appeared.

The night sky's light was now stolen by flashy neon signs and street lamps. George gaped looking around.

"Wait— this was just here and we never even knew?"

"Well, Dumbledore and the professors like to keep it a secret because too many muggles, you know?" you said as George nodded. He then narrowed his eyes at you.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" he asked. You chuckled.

"I've been asking myself the very same question since I decided to take you."

"So where to?" George asked, his eyes twinkling under the lights.

You smiled widely taking him to the small ice-cream palour. It was mostly empty, just a few patrons here and there. George looked at all the flavours excitedly and turned to you.

"What are you getting?" he asked as you pointed at the soft swirls machine.

"I'm gonna have a soft swirl dipped in chocolate. We never get that at school."

George shot you a questioning look.

"I've never had that, how does it taste?" he asked. Your mouth dropped in a o. Ofcourse he didn't. He had lived as a wizard his whole life after all.

"Okay now you have to try it. Trust me on this?" you asked as he smirked.

"When do I not trust you?" he said making you roll your eyes.

"What flavour would you like?" you asked pointing towards vanilla, chocolate and strawberry.


You moved to the counter and put a smile on.

"Hey— can I get one vanilla choco-dipped and one strawberry swirl please?"

They handed you the cones and the bill as you passed them some money. Thanking your mother for telling you to always keep some muggle money in your coat, you gave the strawberry cone to George. Giving a grin he took a small bite. He gasped. You grinned cheek to cheek giving him a pointed look.

"It's official. I'm always getting this whenever we come here."

"Oh? Whenever?"

"You can't show me this place and not expect me to not come here again," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Here, have some of mine," you hushed, as he tried yours. He closed his eyes in delight exaggeratedly making you giggle.

The two of you moved outside, walking through the roads in silence enjoying your sweet treat. Even though it was so late, people were laughing with their company, most shops were open inviting customers in. After a while, George wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer. You smiled besides yourself.

"This was great," George said after some time.

"Was?" you asked, quirking your eyebrow.

"Is." He corrected and held your cheeks giving you a lingering kiss on the lips.

—what do you think?

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