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The new girl had woken up from her coma and wasted no time causing complete chaos. She had scaled the watchtower and was pelting the Gladers that stood below her with rocks. When Thomas was finally able to calm her down, he shot you a worried glance, and you nodded at him reassuringly.

Minho made his way over to you.

"So," He started, "You ready to become a Runner?"
It was a dry, hot, day. Just like it had been everyday for the past year and a half. At least there was a slight breeze. Your feet pounded against the stone floors and the sound echoed around you.

It was late, you knew you were gonna get an earful from Sonya when you got back, but you didn't care. You'd be back before the doors closed, that was what mattered.

You came through the doors just as they were beginning to close and collapsed on the ground, the grinding stone and metal drowning out the sound of your heaving breaths. It had been a good run.

As soon as the doors banged shut for the night, you heard footsteps approaching.

"Eliza!" Sonya's voice was angry. Here it comes.

You played dead, poking your tongue out of the side of your mouth and crossing your arms over your chest.

Sonya rolled her eyes and brought her foot down playfully on your stomach. You lurched forward, grabbing your stomach.

"Sonyaaa!" You were whining. It made you sound stupid but your friend laughed at you. She sat down next to you on the grass, a little more gracefully than you had.

"You're late."

"Actually," you gestured to the walls, "I was on time."

"You know you can't just act like a fool because you're a Jailer, Lizzy."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Be safe, you stupid stick."

"I will, I promise."
No. No, no, no... This wasn't supposed to happen. She told you to be safe. You'd promised her you'd be safe. But it was too late. You were going to be on time. You were, you'd promised Sonya.

The monsters never came this close to the Glade, why now? Why today?

You had two more turns to make before you were home. Why couldn't you have been faster?

You screamed as one of the Monster's appendages ripped through your skin. You kept running.

You could feel the blood escaping your body and soaking into your shirt. You kept running.

You could see your friends waiting for you at the doors. You ran faster.

"Eliza!" Sonya was screaming as you were running towards her and the other girls. You needed to get back to your friend, you needed to stay safe. She was your best friend and you promised her you'd stay safe.

Your sneakers hit soft ground and you fell into the arms of the other girls.

You smiled at Sonya and Harriet and all of your friends. You cried. You knew what was going to happen. You weren't ready. You didn't want to go.

Sonya smiled at you, "You're okay, you're gonna be okay? Okay?"

"Sonya," you said and she cried harder. She knew. Everyone knew. She held your hand as you sobbed. You forced your words out through the tears and the snot and the pain.

"Sonya," you sniffled, "I'm sorry... I'm so, so, sor-"
Your footsteps echoes against the huge stone walls as you ran. You turned corner after corner with Minho at your side. You couldn't tell him you knew the Maze by heart. What if this one was different?

You ran and ran and ran, took a break to catch your breath and ran some more. A dull pain ached in your chest when you realized the Maze was the same. At least, this variation of the Maze was the same. You turned down yet another corridor and came to a dead stop. Minho's hand came up over your mouth so you wouldn't scream.

A griever. A monster.

A dead one.
It was early to be back from the Maze. The sky was the way it always was. Bright blue and sunny with no clouds.  You silently wondered what technological error had turned it off. You and Minho reached the Glade and he told Alby the news.

You were told to stay behind, so you did.

The rest of the day was boring. Chuck was busy in the blood house, You couldn't talk to Thomas, he was probably off somewhere talking to Theresa, Newt was having a bad day and wanted to be left alone to his gardening.

You decided on Frypan.

"Fry," you called into the kitchen. He turned around in surprise. You smiled at him, "anything I can do to help?"

"Limabean!" He flicked your stomach with a wound up dishtowel, "you traitor!"

"I know, I know. But as much as I love Minho I think I like cooking better than running." You subconsciously grazed your fingers against the large fading scar on your stomach.

Don't go back in the Maze. Never go back in the Maze.

"Oh please, get a couple more runs in before you change your mind, Beanie, you might like it."

You nodded and sent him a small smile, "Want me to chop the veggies?"

You focused all of your energy into not crying. You were going to fix this. You were going to save them and Thomas was going to help. You were going to save Frypan and Chuck and Newt and Alby and Winston and Zart and Clint and Jeff and Ben and Minho. And you were going to save Sonya and Harriet and Marie and Amelia and Antoinette. And despite hating him with your whole soul you were going to save Gally. Because you remembered him, you remembered Gally before he was cold and mean.

You remembered the Gally who would joke and laugh in the cafeteria at W.I.C.K.E.D. and stole chocolate and helped Newt sneak in to the girls dorms to see Sonya after the adults said the girls and boys couldn't interact anymore. You remembered how he used to be, how everyone used to be. How everything used to be. And you were going to save them. You had to. They were all you had.
Okayyy hi friends we are making progress.

You may have noticed how somethings are happening out of order, I did it on purpose for the sake of Y/N's plot.

Yes Y/N is from the other maze, otherwise known as Maze B. Hopefully the memories/dreams are easy to understand and you can put the pieces together.


If you like my writing, I'm writing a NEW fanfiction! It's a LokixFem!OC fanfiction with enemies to lovers and a LOT of plot twists. If that sounds like something you're interested in reading, Please FOLLOW me for updates and announcements.

The fic will come out the FIRST MONDAY after this fic ends. (Hopefully before the end of June)

Love you all have a good day ❤️❤️❤️

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