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The combined heat of pots and pans on the stove, bread in the oven, and running back and forth between the pantry and the kitchen was unbearable. You stepped out of the kitchen and into the cool night air, wiping your hands on the front of your apron. You plopped down on the cool ground and let out a tired sigh.

"I knew you looked hot before but this is getting ridiculous." You looked up to see Minho smirking at you and walking your way.

"Ha ha. Very funny, Min." He chuckled at his own joke and and leaned against the wall of the homestead that you were sitting in front of.

"I know, I'm hilarious," he nudged your leg with the side of his foot.

"Mhm," you looked at the grass and picked a few blades from the ground absentmindedly. After a few seconds of silence you looked up at him and ask, "what's the maze like?"

He forced a laugh, trying to keep things light, "It's terrible, Y/N. If you aren't careful, if you don't mark your last turn, if you get lost..." he trailed off, staring at the wall in front of you, "nobody comes back if they don't make it before the doors close."

You stood up and placed your hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze. He gave you a small smile and you returned it and dropped your hand to your side.

"I better get back, Fry-"

"Limabean! Get the bread!"

"That," you said with a chuckle, "would be my cue to leave."

"Bye!" He called out as you jogged back inside.
After dinner was served and practically inhaled by the Gladers and you had finished helping Frypan clean up, you ditched your apron and headed towards the woods for a walk.

"Hey girly-girl, where you headed?"

"Just walking. Care to join me?" You paused to let Minho catch up to you fully.

"Sure." The two of you walked into the woods. There was hardly any light left but the strange starless and moonless sky was still strangely lit despite the time, so you could still see your way through the trees.

The air felt colder. The stifling heat of the kitchen had made it feel like a nice cool breeze, but now you were wishing you had something warmer than the thin t-shirt and jeans you were wearing. You felt a shiver go up your spine.

"You cold greenie beanie?" You looked over at Minho.

"Just a little bit," you laughed under your breath.

"Come here." He held out his arms. You walked towards him, halfway expecting a hug. Instead he stopped you at an arms length away and began rubbing up and down your arms in an attempt to warm you up. You gave him a funny look.

"What?" He asked. You walked forward some more and wrapped your arms around him. He was confused for a moment but soon wrapped his arms around you too.

"Much better," you said.

"Yeah this is uhh... this is nice." He replied.

After a few moments, he pulled back from the hug and suggested the two of you joined the rest of the Gladers at the bonfire - it would be warmer there - and you happily agreed. The two of you walked out of the woods and towards the warmth of the fire.
*sigh* Here's the next chapter friends. I hope your enjoying the story so far!

I know it's going kinda slow but trust me, the ending I have planned is worth the wait.

Thanks @AlxTill for always commenting, it really makes my day knowing you enjoy reading the story! 🤍

I love y'all, have a good day!

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