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Don't hate me :)

Y/N's P.O.V.

Disguise is a funny little thing. It's amazing how many people stop looking at faces when there are ID badges and uniforms involved.
The plan was relatively simple. We infiltrate the storage facility the crew was being held in, then we split up. I go to the shuttle bay and acquire a getaway car, whilst Khan warps in the crew.

"Excuse me? What do you think you're doing?" A guard asked, coming up to me before I could get into the shuttle.
"Can I see some ID?"

"Of course, sorry." I revealed my stolen card to him and he looked at it carefully, before looking back up at me. His eyes widened in horror and I sighed, pulling out the gun that was tucked away in my uniform. He tried to run, but I stunned him, before going over and shoving his body under a shuttle.
I sent Khan the shuttle's coordinates and it was only a few moments later when the bright light of warp appeared behind me.

"They're all here. All 72." Khan spoke as he got into the shuttle, an excited look in his eyes.

"Then let's get the Hell out of here." I started up the shuttle.
"Where to, Captain?"

"The docs." I nodded my head and he held his hand out, letting me take it. He kissed my knuckles and I began our journey to the docs.


We had a crew, a ship, and two hostages in case this went bad.
The hostages were the very same men Khan had 'convinced' to get us a ship. When we were aboard, we could wake the crew, before finding ourselves another, much better ship.

"You seem nervous, Y/N." Khan muttered as we approached the ship. Of course, we had to leave Earth to get to the ship, which was a difficult talk in itself, but we made it. I glanced back at the two unconscious hostages, then at the crew with a sigh.

"It's nothing, it's just... what if the crew don't like me? I'm new, I only know their names from stories you've told me." I shook my head.
"Being first officer means I need the crew's trust, but I fear I won't have it."

"You're worrying over nothing. I trust you, so they will too. You're one of us now, they're going to love you." He leaned over and kissed my head, before I landed the shuttle in the ship's hangar. Khan woke up the two men, ordering them to dismiss anyone on board. We waited for a few moments, before the two men came back. They wouldn't do anything stupid. They had families they wanted to get home to. The crew on the ship left, leaving us, our two hostages and 72 frozen people.

"You two can go. We have no use for you anymore. Take one of the shuttles, but be warned that if we see anyone following us, well, you know the consequences." They both looked at me with wide eyes, thanking me, before running off to one of the remaining shuttles.

"I was going to kill them. They're going to tell Starfleet-"

"And we'll be long gone by then." I kissed his cheek.
"Let's get to the bridge and get this ship moving and then we can wake up our crew." He nodded his head, an excited look in his eyes. Taking my hand, he led me up to the bridge and stopped at the sight of the chair.
"You okay?"

"I'm more than okay." Khan whispered. He looked at me, before kissing my head.
"You know... you really should have listened to your old crew."

"What?" I asked in confusion, looking at him with a hesitant smile.
"What do you-"

"I love you, Y/N." Khan put his hand against my cheek, a sad smile on his lips, before a sharp pain in my torso took me by surprise. I looked down, seeing his other hand holding a bloodied knife.

"Khan?" I put my hand against the injury, confusion, betrayal and pain overloading my senses.
My knees shook, but before I could fall, Khan lowered me to the ground slowly.
"Why?" I asked, tears pooling in my eyes. I put my hand to the injury, but Khan made no effort to help.

"I'm sorry, my darling." I grabbed onto his hand, but he pulled it away, standing up and walking over to the chair, sitting down. My eyelids felt heavy and black dots appeared in my vision. The last thing I saw was Khan frowning down at me.

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