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Y/N's P.O.V.


"Lieutenant, you were supposed to report to me as soon as you got back for a medical exam." McCoy spoke as soon as I stepped into the brig, where he, Kirk and Spock were all by Khan's cell.

"I was a little busy, besides, I'm fine. I don't need a medical exam." I shook my head and the doctor scoffed.

"Really? Cause it looks like you took a beating. I'm surprised you even let a Klingon get that close to you. I've seen what you're like in a fight." McCoy crossed his arms over his chest and Spock looked at Kirk awkwardly.

"I didn't." I deadpanned.
"This was a gift from the Captain." I smiled sarcastically and McCoy's jaw dropped.

"No- it was an accident!" Kirk argued.

"You accidentally hit your crewmate in the face, but you didn't stop to check if she's alright? You didn't personally escort her to the doctor? She could have a concussion." Khan commented, earning a death glare from Kirk.

"He's right. You could have a concussion and that looks like it hurts-" McCoy reached out to touch me and I grabbed his wrist tightly.

"I told you, I'm fine. Drop it." I pushed his hand away.
"As I began to ask before I was rather rudely interrupted; What are you three doing here?"

"Bones needed a blood sample." Kirk spoke and I raised an eyebrow.

"And that meant... all three of you had to come down here?" I asked impatiently.

"Watch your tone, Lieutenant." Kirk warned.

"Oh, of course, Captain." I rolled my eyes.
"Actually, whilst you're here, I should probably tell you that this will be my last voyage on the Enterprise."

"Excuse me?" Spock looked at me in confusion.

"Well, I'm resigning as soon as we make it back to Earth. I was supposed to tell you earlier, but it slipped my mind." I shrugged.
"I'm quitting. Plain and simple."

"And if I don't accept your resignation?" Kirk challenged and I glanced at Khan.

"Then I put it in my official report that you attacked the prisoner, who had already laid down his arms and surrendered, and that you hit me." Kirk scoffed.

"It was-"

"If you say an accident, so help me God, I can and will kill you." I looked at Kirk and he huffed, before storming off. McCoy and Spock followed like good little lap dogs and Khan let out a low chuckle.

"Blackmailing and threatening a superior officer, that can get you in a lot of trouble." He smirked and I leaned against the glass.
"But you don't care, do you?"

"Evidently not." There was a sharp pain in my stomach and I grabbed the tissue out of my pocket, coughing into it.

"Oh..." I wiped my mouth with the tissue, the red liquid on my lips wiping away with ease.
"That's why you don't care. You're sick. Very sick."

"I've got a month left, at most, and I'm stuck on this goddamn ship in the middle of nowhere." His eyes softened slightly.
"Though, I'd rather be here than on Earth."

"Why? It's clear you don't exactly get along with your crew." He stated.
"Wouldn't you rather be on Earth with your family?" I laughed dryly.

"I don't have a family and honestly, I don't have that many friends. People are dull, I don't like to waste my time with them." I nodded and his lips curled into a small frown.
"What about you?"

"My crew is my family, but they're... asleep." I looked at him in confusion, but I didn't dare interrupt.
"I was Captain Khan Noonien Singh, once upon a time. I have been genetically engineered to be better and my crew is the same. I miss them."

"I miss my family too." I nodded in understanding.
"My mother died when I was quite young, but I had a father and two older brothers. My father died a few years ago and my brothers worked on a ship similar to this one, but something happened to one of the engines and they..." My breath got caught in my throat.
"That was just over a year ago."

"I'm sorry." He sounded genuinely sincere and it made me smile weakly.

"Thanks." He nodded his head, looking at something behind me. I turned to see McCoy waiting by the entrance to the brig. He looked at me expectantly and I sighed.

"Looks like that medical exam isn't optional." Khan stated and I hummed.
"Before you go, I do have one question." I raised an eyebrow, looking at him carefully.
"Why are you talking to me? I'm a prisoner. A murderer. I've killed dozens, but here you are talking to me about family."

"I've met a lot of bad people in my life. I know evil when I see it and when I look at you... I see a man who clearly prioritises his family over everything. Whatever caused you to kill those people, I'm sure you had good enough reason. Trust me, I'm a pretty good judge of character." I stepped back away from the glass.
"Besides, you're not the only killer on this ship." He put his hand against the glass by his head, a small smirk on his lips.

"What did you just say to him?" McCoy asked as I walked right passed him.

"I don't see how that is any of your business, Doctor."

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