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*knows this fic isn't going to make much sense to people who haven't seen Into Darkness*
*Publishes it anyway, despite knowing half the readers haven't actually seen it*

Y/N's P.O.V.

Suited up and in the trash exhaust, I looked at Khan carefully. The three of us were about to dive into deep space and hope we make it onto the other ship. If this went wrong, we were in a lot of trouble.

"Captain, the ships are aligned." Spock's voice came through our helmets and Kirk nodded.

"Copy that." Kirk replied.

"I'm in the hangar, give me a minute." Scotty replied and there was a few moments of silence.
"I'm running, stand by." Another few moments of silence, followed by a wheeze and more silence.
"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on there, Captain, this door is very wee. I mean, you know, small. It's 4 square metres tops. It's gonna be like jumping out of a moving car off of a bridge and into a shot glass."

"It's okay, I've done it before." Kirk replied and I rolled my eyes as Khan looked at him.
"Yeah, it was vertical, we jumped out to uh, well, it doesn't matter."

"Did you find the manual override?" Khan asked.

"Manual override, Scotty?" Kirk repeated.

"Not yet! Not yet!" Scotty replied.

"Before you launch, you should be aware that there is a considerable debris field between-"

"Spock, not now." Kirk interrupted.
"Scotty, you good?"

"It's not easy! Just give me 2 seconds, alright? You mad bastard..." Khan and I got into position and Kirk looked at us in confusion, before doing the same.
"Okay, okay, I'm set to open the door."

"You ready, boys?" I asked, getting muffled replies from both of them.

"Spock, pull the trigger." Kirk ordered.

"Launching activation sequence in 3... 2..." My helmet screen came on and I took a breath.
"1..." We were rapidly sucked out into space, the cold encircling me almost instantly.
"Captain, there is debris directly ahead!"

"Copy that." Kirk replied and Kirk narrowly avoided getting hit.

"Whoa, Jim, you're way off course!" McCoy shouted.

"I know, I can see that!" Kirk replied as I focused on my display, hoping that at least one of us made it. Crew members on the Enterprise tried guiding Kirk back to his own course, but I made a point to ignore them, focusing on not getting myself killed.
"Scotty, you're gonna be ready with that door, right?"

"Y/N, debris dead ahead. It's big, you're going to have trouble-"

"I got it." I cut whoever it was off and I knew that if I tried to go around, my chances of making it were slim. Instead, I managed to aim my thrusters down, sending myself up.

"Watch it, Lieutenant! Go any higher and you're going to struggle to stay on course." Spock spoke and I scowled.

"I told you, I got it." I muttered, lowering myself slowly. No one could get ahold of Scotty and Kirk's helmet got hit. At the rate we were going at, we were all going to slam into the side of the ship and die.

"Imminent collision detected. Khan, use evasive action. There is debris directly ahead!"

"I see it." Khan replied and I glanced over, seeing him move out of the way. He got hit and I looked around, but it was hard to see him amongst the debris.

"Khan?" I asked, but got no response.

"Was Khan hit?" Kirk asked.

"We're trying to find him now." Spock replied. I pushed myself forward, despite wanting to turn around and find Khan.

"My display is dead, I'm flying blind." Kirk spoke and I turned my head to try and see him, but it was no use.

"Captain, without your display compass, hitting your target is mathematically impossible." Spock spoke.

"Spock, if I get back, we really need to talk about your bedside manner." Kirk muttered.

"You're behind me, I can't help much." I spoke.

"My display is still functioning. I see you Kirk, you're 200 metres ahead of me at my 1 O'Clock." Khan spoke and I let myself smile a little.
"Come to your left a few degrees and follow me."

"Scotty, we're getting close, we need a warm welcome. Do you copy? Do you copy, Scotty?!" Kirk yelled as he and Khan caught up to me.

"Of you can hear us, Mr. Scott, open the door in 10.. 9... 8..." Kirk kept shouting for Scotty, but we were getting no response.
"7... 6... 5... 4..." I glanced at Khan, before squeezing my eyes shut.
"3... 2..." Kirk began to yell and I opened my eyes, surprised we made it inside, before we hit the ground and slid across the hangar, all three of us grunting and yelling as we began to roll. I hit against something as I came to a stop, letting out a groan.

"Welcome aboard." Scotty muttered as I sat up a little, seeing that it was Khan that I bumped into.

"Good to see you, Scotty." Kirk muttered as I sat back.

"Who is that?" Scotty asked and Kirk quickly made introductions as I pulled my helmet off, dropping it on the ground and taking a breath.

"They'll know we're here." Khan muttered, looking at me briefly.
"I know the best way to the bridge."

Khan x Reader - FamilyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt