23. A Little Game

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"Let's play a little game," Darren said, selecting a pool cue. He had brought us down to the basement and directed me to the pool table. I leaned against the bar while he moved to rack the cue balls. "For every ball we sink, we get to ask the other a question. Any question they want. Sound fun?"

"Sure," I said, narrowing my eyes at him and walking over to the cues. Luckily for me, I was an ace at pool. "What happens when I win?" I asked confidently.

The smirk on his face was priceless, and he laughed a little out loud. "Well, isn't that cute," he said patronizing me as usual. I shrugged it off, not letting him get to me as I stared at him seriously. "How about I let you decide what color you want your nails painted next?" he sneered with a smart-ass smile on his face. I felt mine heat up with rage.

"And if you win, how about I let you decide what color pen I'm going to stab you with?" I said quickly with a smile without even thinking. And then I instantly cringed with regret.

Goddamn it, where was my filter! I was suddenly terrified after what I said, but Darren laughed as if it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard.

"You just love getting your ass beat, don't you?" He chuckled, shaking his head at me.

My eyes lit up as he gunned it for me and I almost ran for it out of instinct, but he was at my side before I could even turn my body away from him. My insides curled in as he grabbed the back of my neck and bent me over the pool table. I gasped in fear as his hand came down and swiped hard against my ass. I groaned loudly at the contact, digging my nails into the table as I bit back my cries, pain flaring up in my ass all over again.

"You're a slow learner, Jaden. I thought you would have had this figured out by now," he said walking away from me and grabbing his cue.

I righted myself and rubbed my ass. "Yeah, well, I'm still installing my mouth filter."

"Well, you'd better get it taken care of before I install it myself," he warned.

I nodded, my eyes now finding comfort in the floor.

"Would you like to break?" he then asked me, eying me carefully.

I suddenly paused at the question, almost taking it completely in another direction. I felt my breath catch in my lungs as my heart skipped a single beat. Did I want to break? Fuck, no. Not possible. But I would break this fucking set.

"Sure," I said, glancing at him only briefly as I walked over to the table.

The only thing I wanted to break right now was his fucking skull open.

I lined the cue ball up and slammed so much force into the thing that it busted every single ball out of its perfect formation. Scattering them all across the table, I managed to get a solid in. As I walked around to line my next shot up, I asked my first question.

"So ... what got you started in martial arts?"

Darren chuckled. "I suppose you can thank my father for that. He wanted his sons to be ultimate killing machines since he dealt in such a dangerous business."

Pfft... ultimate killing machine, my ass.

"Hmm ..." I said, thrusting the pool cue into the ball and watching as it rolled into the pocket. "So, what makes you the ultimate killing machine, huh? What kind of training have you had?" I asked, still keeping my eyes on the table, determining my next shot, which there wasn't shit for now.

Darren eyed me for a few seconds before he finally answered. He did say I could ask whatever I wanted.

"I've trained in several different styles with private instructors from Ju Jitsu to Muay Thai to Judo, to name a few. I've gone through extensive tactical weapons and combat training as well as achieved an advanced automotive proficiency as a child. And, if you really want to know, I also have an expertise in various techniques of torture thanks to my broad study of the human anatomy and a desensitization to blood and gore."

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