15. Compromise

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I didn't even realize it when we got back to the house. I felt numb inside, unable to cope with the depths of my reality. When we reached my room, Darren opened the door and ushered me inside then closed it behind him. I stood blankly in the room, clenching my fists at my side, unsure of what to do with myself when I felt the sudden slap of Darren's hand make contact with my face. It wasn't as hard as the other had been, but it was enough to distract me from the internal debate I was having with myself.

I looked up at him with a confused scowl on my face. "The fuck was that for?" I asked, rubbing my hand against the heat of my cheek.

"Stop cussing," he ordered, pointing at me. "And I was just bringing you back to reality." He placed his hands in his pockets, a tiny hint of a smirk in the corner of his lips.

I gave him a hard look. "Because reality is so much better than what's going on in my head."

"Don't insult me, Jaden," he warned, taking a step toward me. I instinctively put my left foot back, slowly turning my body to the side. "You will adjust eventually and realize the gift I am giving you."

I actually laughed out loud a little.

"Yes, the gift of imprisonment for the rest of my life. How did I become so lucky?" I chuckled, waving my arms around for emphasis.

Darren then grabbed me and shoved me down onto the bed, his hands holding my upper arms in a vise grip as he stared at me.

"Sarcasm will get you nowhere with me," he growled.

"Fuck you, Darren," I retorted.

I didn't know what the fuck it would take for me to just give it up and let him own me, but it just wasn't in my blood. I did not have a submissive bone in my body, and I had a feeling that no matter what he did to me, I would just pop back up like the weed he couldn't kill. Maybe, in the end, he would come to respect and appreciate that. He did buy me for my strength, after all.

"If you insist," he snarled with a snake-like grin.


He then pulled me forward, grabbing my wrists and wrenching my arms up to the headboard. I fought against him, fighting with everything I had, but he was too heavy for me to move. He straddled me and held my wrists with one hand above my head while he took out his phone. Pressing a button, my wrists were forced together through the bars of the metal headboard, effectively keeping my wrists in place above my head. My feet remained unrestrained and I wasn't sure why. He had to know I would mess up his face with my foot the second I got the chance. But he stayed where he was, now straddling my legs, and pulled his shirt up over his head.

God, that body of his. So strong and toned under perfectly smooth skin. Even with all the scars and tattoos, to the naked eye, he was a beautiful sight to see. He had to work out like a maniac to retain his physique, and I couldn't help but appreciate the results.

"You know what I think would be the most perfect tattoo on you?" he suddenly said as he gazed down at me, a smug smile on his face.

"I'm breathless to hear it," I said sarcastically.

"My name," he said darkly.


"You heard me. I think it would be so sexy to see my name bolded permanently on to this perfect, beautiful skin of yours so that everyone who sees you will know right away that you're mine."

"I'd really rather you didn't," I said seriously.

"And remind me of what choice it is that you have again?"

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