They Get Drunk Really Fast

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James Potter I

The Gryffindors had just won the Quidditch match. Gryffindor versus Slytherin. It was a tough game from beginning to end, but the Gryffindors won in the end. James had walked into the locker room after the wild applause and celebration to hear—

"Party in the Gryffindor common room tonight!"

James cheered along with the rest of the team and they all cleaned the mud and dirt from themselves as each player began clearing out, patting James on the shoulder as they left.

"James," Sirius exclaimed, hopping on the back of his best friend. "Mate, you know what we need for the party?"

Alcohol. Duh. That was the answer to any adolescent party.

James laughed as Sirius threw his arm around his friend as they walked out of the locker room. "Sirius, we can't get that much alcohol for that many people. And we really shouldn't be drinking, it might mess with our furry solution."

James didn't explicitly say, but after learning of Remus's struggles as a werewolf, the Marauders wanted a way to support their friend—by being Animagi. Remus protested, but James could not just stand around and watch his friend suffer alone. They devised the plan for James, Sirius, and Peter to be Animagi in third year, but the process was hard and they were still practicing into their fifth year. They were almost ready and James figured if they practiced for a month or so, they could fully secure their Animagus forms. They had already chosen nicknames for each based on the first animal part they formed. However, training to be an Animagus was hard work and James figured that drinking might throw them off their game.

"Prongsy, you're like an old grandmother who worries too much, come on! How bad will it be? We have the invisibility cloak, we have the map, what more could we need?"

"Two more years so we're legal," James reasoned.

Sirius threw his head back in frustration, "James! It's just one night. We just won what could have been the most important game of the year... of our lives... of our—"

"Alright, alright," James threw his hands up in the air in surrender, "I'm in."

Sirius grinned so wide, he bared all his teeth, "This is going to be—"

"Awesome! I feeeeeeell awwwwesome," James slurred, as he swayed around the room.

It was James's first time trying firewhisky and it was quite a sight to see.

The usually cool and suave teenager was now wobbling about every which way, laughing at the most random of things.

"Why, why, why do they say aweSOME anyway?" James threw his arms around Remus and leaned his full body on the young wolf.

Remus, struggling under the weight of James, asked, "Huh?"

Remus, thankfully was still sober (and smart) because he chose not to touch any of the suspicious bottles of liquor.

"Cause Mooonnnnnnn-y, cause awesome is soooooome awe and not all of it. Like, like, like awful. AwFUUUUULL of awe. Get it, Moony, get it?"

Remus managed to drag James to an empty seat of the couch and dropped him on it, "Yeah, I get it, James. And I don't think this much alcohol is good for you."

"I've only had oooone," James protested.

Remus raised his eyes, "Seriously?"

"And a half," James added timidly.

"You are quite the lightweight," Remus chuckled.

Remus saw Lily Evans walking towards them, her hands on her hips. "Potter, you're stupid party is keeping me awake when I am trying to get some sleep. I get that you won your stupid broomstick game, which is great for you, I guess, but some people need to—"

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