They Love Deeply

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James Potter I and Lily Luna Potter. Though living generations apart, their souls intertwine as one. Circumstance takes them in different directions, but at their core, they remain the same.


James Potter I

It was one of the most exciting moments in his life, but he couldn't keep his eyes off the girl with the red hair. Lily Evans.

She was sorted before him and placed into Gryffindor.

Now James always knew he wanted to be in Gryffindor, but after seeing Lily at the table, he knew for certain that was where he was going to end up. He belonged there with the other red and gold...and Lily Evans. Except Lily hated him from the beginning after he made fun of Slytherin house and that boy she was with. He didn't really mean to make fun of them, but now Lily had a horrible first impression of him and it looked like that impression was not going to change anytime soon. No one had ever hated him the way Lily did. He was determined to make her like him.

When his name was finally announced to be the next one sorted, James felt giddy as he ran to the Sorting Hat. As the hat was placed on his raven black hair, the only thought that ran through his head was Gryffindor, Gryffindor, Gryffindor!

The Hat chuckled, "My, my, my, aren't you a determined one? If that's what you want, then GRYFFINDOR!"

James nearly chucked the hat off his head before running to his table. He joined his new friends, the ones he met on the train, who were waiting for him and he sat across from Lily. After reuniting with Sirius, Remus, and Peter, James turned to Lily with his cheeky grin. "Well, Lilikins, it looks like we're in the same house: Gryffindor. So now you have to like me."

"My name is Lily Evans, get it right, and I don't have to do anything. And I am especially not going to like you. Ever."

Sirius snickered beside him and James elbowed him. "Alright then, Lily Evans, I am not going to get you to like me. I am going to get you to love me."

"If I don't like you, then how am I supposed to love you?"

"I suppose we'll just have to find out then, Lily Evans." James smirked and ran his fingers through his hair.

Lily rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Let me put this to you straight: I hate you, James Potter."

"Now that's a little harsh, Evans."

Lily smiled wickedly. "Aww, did poor Romeo get his feelings hurt?"

"I don't get it." James turned his head to the side, his eyebrows crinkling together in confusion.

"It's a muggle reference," Sirius told James.

"It's a Shakespearian play," Remus added.

James looked at the two of them, his eyebrow raised. "How do you two know all this?"

"I like reading them," Remus answered, while Sirius said, "I hate my parents."

James turned back to Lily. "So if I'm Romeo, what does that make you?"

"It would make her Juliet," Sirius piped up.

"I am not Juliet!" Lily seethed, "I would be—I would be—"

"Rosaline?" Remus offered.

"Yes!" Lily exclaimed, "I would be Rosaline because I hate you and I don't want to be with you."

"Then, I, Romeo, love thee, Rosaline."

"Argh!" Lily gave up, throwing her hands in the air in frustration. "You are so annoying, Potter!"

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