she forgets your birthday (requested)

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The kisses being pressed to your head woke you from your slumber. You were smiling immediately. A rush of happiness came over you at the thought of spending your birthday with Yves by your side.

"Morning, pretty girl." She said, kissing your cheek as you opened your bright eyes. "Sorry I woke you. It's only after eight am but I have to go into the studio and I wanted to kiss you goodbye!"

She seemed awfully enthusiastic this morning. She's a bright, happy girl and you love that about her. Her smile melts your heart and it's one of your favorite qualities about her.

But your mood was suddenly the opposite. Your smile quickly faded, your eyes turning sad and losing that sparkle that Yves once saw in them.

"Hey, what is it?"

"I thought you had today off." You mumbled, only for her to furrow her eyebrows as she thought about it, only to shake her head.

"Not that I know of. I gotta get going though, so can you give me a kiss?" She asked and leaned in, only for you to turn your cheek which caused her lips to land on your other cheek instead.

You stared back at her as she looked at you funny, like she didn't even know what you were so upset about. It's painfully obvious she forgot your birthday.

"Alright, be like that then." She grumbled and reached for her shoes. "I don't know what was so important about today but I have to go and I'm sorry."

Clearly. It was clear that she didn't know what was so important about today and you weren't gonna spell it out for her if she didn't remember.

"Have a good day." You mumbled and she nodded, trying to give you one last kiss only for you to dodge it again.

She sighed and mumbled out that she loved you before she left, leaving you alone for the day... on your birthday.

You reached for your phone and saw the notifications continuing to pour in. The sweet messages from your family and friends and the girls, as well.

You didn't text them back though. You just turned off your phone and brushed your teeth before laying in bed to watch boring reality shows to occupy yourself as time dragged by.

Meanwhile, Yves had just gotten to the studio. She was all smiles, excited for the day ahead as they dive into the new era ahead.

She was humming softly, wearing a bright and beautiful smile as she walked through the door. She expected to be greeted by the girls, but the studio was empty.

She frowned and reached for her phone. She dialed JinSoul's number and she answered on the second ring.

"Yves? Hey, what's up?"

"Where are you?" Yves wondered.

"Home. Aren't you at home celebrating with

"What? Celebrating?" Yves asked in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"It's her birthday, duh. Aren't you celebrating her birthday?"

Suddenly, everything clicked. She went wide-eyed and tangled her fingers through her hair as it all hit her.

"Oh no..." she mumbled, causing JinSoul to gasp.

"Don't tell me you forgot!" She yelled through the phone. "Celebrate your girl's birthday with her!"

Yves ended the call and rushed out of the studio. She stopped along the way to get you something special and then rushed home to you.

When she arrived she practically bolted up the stairs to the bedroom, only to find you sound asleep in bed.

She went downstairs to make everything special for you before going back upstairs to you. She sat beside you and placed her hand on your back to wake you up.

"Y/N?" She mumbled, biting her lip as you slowly opened your eyes.

The look you sent her as soon as your eyes met broke her heart. You liked hurt, deeply saddened, and understandably so.

You pulled away from her and she could only sigh sadly.

"I know you're hurt and I understand why. I am so sorry for forgetting your special day. You know I wouldn't ever do that on purpose, right?"

You only bit your lip.

"I feel awful about it. Everything has been so crazy lately. But I should've remembered. Because you're my girl and I love you so much, I truly do. You know that, right?"

"I do." You said and moved into her arms, dropping your forehead onto her shoulder. "I know you're busy, Yves. I know you have a busy job. I get that. But you promised you'd be here."

"And I am now." She said as she gently hooked her fingers under your chin and tilted it to make your eyes lock. "I'm sorry I'm losing track of my days. But I promise it won't ever happen again. Forgive me? Let me make it better, hm?"

She reached for your hand and brought it to her lips to lay a few kisses across your knuckles.

"Happy birthday, my baby."

"Thanks, Yves." You smiled and this time when she leaned in for a kiss, you didn't turn away.

Instead, you puckered your lips and happily accepted the brush of her lips, even reciprocating by moving your lips against hers lovingly.

"Come here."

"No, I wanna stay in bed and cuddle with you."

She giggled and tugged you down the stairs.

"Close your eyes."

"Why?" You wondered.

"Just close them." She giggled and tugged you into the kitchen, where she led you to the cupcake she got for you.

"Okay. Open them."

You did as she said and she greeted you with a big smile.

"Happy birthday!" She yelled excitedly and your heart did leaps in your chest when you noticed the birthday decorations in the kitchen and the lit cupcake on the table; your favorite kind.

"Thank you, Yves!" You grinned and hugged her tight.

"Anything for my girl. Now close your eyes..."

You thought she wanted you to make a wish. So you thought about it for a moment, only to feel some frosting be swiped along your cheek.


She laughed and held the cupcake out for you to make a wish. You blew out the candle and made a wish before taking the frosting on your cheek to wipe it along her lips where you silenced her protests with a sweet kiss.

"Love you. Thanks for making my day special already."

"I love you too, y/n," she smiled and hugged you close. "The day is just starting. I'm gonna spoil you like crazy today and that's a promise."

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