2: Bus Ride and a Hot Guy

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"Boys!" They all turned to the colliding calls of the parents.

"Rep-sentin' the Marms!" Mason's broad-shouldered father bellowed, wrinkling his feline nose as he did. "Make us proud to be Marms and don't you go gettin' into trouble. I don't wanna have to go down to Turnaround with your Ma and wipe your ass, alright?"

"Scotchie, my boy." Scotch's mother stood before him and fixed his hair. "Ya grown big 'n' strong. Still won't turn around before—"

"Mama, I want this." He gave her a smile and took her left Human hand and right paw. "And for Papa. I have to. He'd want me. Ya know, right?"

His mother nodded her head. He also knew she knew that if he made it good, his salary would be a great help to them. They weren't exactly rich. After his father's death, kind neighbors saved them from poverty so they could really do with some money. Her mouth set in a tight line. Scotch noticed how much her fur had grayed.

"I'll make you proud. I'll tell you all about it in summer when I come home."

"Write." She squeezed his paws firmly. "Don't make your old Mama wait for summer to hear from her child like Taffita did when she went up to work in Gord. Not a word until the hots of summer got me worried with a fever!"

He chuckled. "I'll write soon, don't you worry, Mama."

"And stay outta trouble."

"Yes, Mama," he said with a nod knowing it might not be possible. He glanced around and was disappointed to find he hadn't come. Two weeks ago, Scotch broke up with his three-month steady boyfriend. Dex had said Scotch was too clingy and couldn't take it. But they agreed to remain on good terms. They'd started off as best friends. It was always Dex, Mason, and Scotch.

I knew we shouldn't have dated. I knew it was going to ruin our friendship. He gave a longing sigh and bit his lip. His mother reached up to give him a pat on the head. She knew all about it. He told her his woe stories.

"You're sure to find some nice male in the city," she said.

"Yeah," Scotch sighed. "Mayb—"

"Two minutes!" the bus driver shouted. All around them families were saying goodbye and those who had siblings were wiping the tears of the younger. Butter came up and gave him a hug.

"I'll miss ya, Scotchie. Take care," she mumbled.

"You know I'll be seeing ya soon." Scotch patted her head.

Butter snickered. "Yeah." She stood back. "But we've never been apart for three whole months."

"Zeppelin Parade. I'll come pick you up at the bus station, 'kay?" he said, and she nodded with a smile.

Scotch turned to his mother and gave her a hug. Then he bent down to place a kiss on her cheek.

"Love ya, Mama," he said with a smile and kept his ears up with great effort. He didn't want her to see him nervous or sad. He picked up the bags they had carried out earlier and turned his back.

"I love ya, too, my little Scotchie!" He heard his mother say as he climbed up into the slick black bus. Mason was already there, eyes red from already crying.

Scotch threw his bags up on the overhead rack and sat down next to his friend. He turned to the window and waved at his mother as the bus began to drive away.

"Aw, man!" Mason said in a tear-filled voice. "How can you keep it together, Scotchie? This is too touching. I'm a bawlin' mess over here."

But Scotch didn't answer and kept his face toward to the window and his paw under his chin. Soon, Marmaglaid disappeared into the distance and he felt it in his heart. Fields and forests were replaced with more populated villagetowns but ones he was a stranger to.

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