Kelly's Birthday

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It was a beautiful day in Duckburg.The perfect day for a birthday party.Which was exactly what was happening at the park,a birthday party.
"I can't believe how many people RSVPed."said Emilie looking around.She invited all her siblings for her sister,Kelly's birthday.Emilie also invited Scrooge,his family, allies, Bentley, and Buford.She was certain that this was going to be a day her siblings wouldn't forget.
"I can't believe you're sister Mimi, works for Golmgold."said Scrooge bitterly.
"Oh come on,Mr.McDuck."said Emilie. "She's an I.T.person.Besides,look at my other siblings.Carl's working as a comic book artist, and Bill,and Joe,are trying to open up their own business."
"You misunderstood me. I was expressing my shock that you have a sibling that works for one of my enemies."
"Okay."said Emilie just as Dickie Duck showed up.
"Hi Emilie,can I-I mean is it alright if I talk to Danielle?"asked Dickie nervously.
"Yeah.It's a free country.Sort of. I mean,it's still illegal to murder people."said Emilie.
"Oh,thank you!"said Dickie jumping up, and down,then leaving to find Danielle.
"Emilie!"shouted somebody angerily.
"Mmm?"Emilie questioned,wondering who was angry at her.
"Did you tell Webby that I'm transgender?"accused Kelly.
"No."answered Emilie honestly.
"Your sister only told me, and Beakley during her job interview, and I didn't tell Webby."Scrooge said.
"Seriously?You told Scrooge, and-and-his assistant?"yelled Kelly.
"You, and I both know they were bound to find eventually."responsed Emilie seriously, and surprisingly,darkly.
"That was then!This is now!"
"What is going on?"demanded a third voice that belonged to the third oldest Duckman sibling,Danielle,who stood out due to her short hair being dyed lesbian pride colors.
"Emilie told Scrooge, and Beakley that I was transgender, and one of them told Webby."snapped Kelly.
"Not my fault one of them has a big mouth."defended Emilie.
"Actually, I found out on my own."added another,younger,voice.It was Webby's.
"How?"asked Danielle.
"Well,after finding out about Emilie I decided to find out more about her family."
"Okay.Ignoring that bit of creepiness.Emilie,wait outside the party until cake time.Kelly,wait in a corner until cake time."said Danielle.
"What!?"protested Emilie. "I planned this party!"
"And this is my birthday party!"added Kelly.
"I don't care.Go."Danielle said.Both sisters gripped as they listened to her.
"Aren't you going to do anything?"asked Webby.
"I'm giving them a chance to cool off."explained Danielle.
"More like a time out."said Scrooge who started to walk away.
"Either way,everything will work out fine."said Danielle.But Webby wasn't sure.They were sisters.They loved each.Emilie sacrificed her health for Kelly.Webby was certain that she can make them get along again.
But she couldn't go to Kelly.She was probably still angry at Webby for asking for asking what was it like to be transgender.So Emilie was the sister to go to.
"Emilie?"said Webby when she got to Emilie.
"What?"said Emilie, who was sulking.
"Umm-Why did you tell Scrooge that Kelly was transgender?"
"I thought you did research on my family when I got hired."
"Yeah,but I didn't learn everything."
"Is that code for 'Your not a member of the McDuck family,so I'm not going to pay as much attention to you as them'?"
Webby sighed.This was going nowhere.Perhaps she'll have better luck with Kelly.Webby re-entered the party to find Kelly.It wasn't easy due to the large amount of people Emilie invited,but Webby did eventually find her, and like her sister,she was sulking.
"Um-hi Kelly."said Webby tentatively.
"What?"said Kelly.She was clearly still angry at Webby, and possibly Emilie.
"I was wondering if you were willing to forgive Emilie?I mean she sacrificed a lot for you,don't you think she deserves to be forgiven?"
"So what are you saying?Emilie's entitled to forgiveness?Just because she sacrificed her health for me, and had to sit in front of a rabbinical court because of me?"
"What?No!"said Webby,but Kelly already gotten up to look for Emilie.
"Kelly!Wait!"yelled Webby hoping to deescalate the solution.But it was too late.Kelly, and Emilie were arguing when Webby got there.
"I never said I was entitled to your forgiveness!"yelled Emilie,either not noticing, or caring,that a crowd was gathering around her, and Kelly.
"I never said that!"retorted Kelly."I said 'Webby thinks your entitled to forgiveness'!"
"What's going on!?You two are supposed to be in time out until cake time!"yelled Danielle when she arrived on the scene.
"Kelly thinks I'm entitled to her forgiveness!"snapped Emilie pointing childishly at Kelly.
"Webby said you were entitled to it."replied Kelly with her arms crossed.
"And you chose to believe that creepy little creepling over your own sister?" Emilie responded,also crossing her arms.
"Seriously!"snapped Danielle at Webby ignoring her sisters continuing arguing. "I had everything under control!Why did you make things worse?!"
"I was trying to fix things!"defended Webby.
"Things were fine until you stuck your beak in it!Thanks a lot!"
"Don't you dare talk to my granddaughter like that!"Mrs.Beakley told Danielle.
"Well,maybe if you taught your granddaughter some basic social skills,maybe I wouldn't of needed to tell her that!"Danielle snapped back at Mrs.Beakley.
"There's nothing wrong with her social skills!She just made a honest mistake!"
"Enough!"yelled a different voice.It was Donald's.
"You five come with me."Donald said to Emilie,Danielle,Kelly,Mrs.Beakley, and Webby.
"I will not."insisted Mrs.Beakley.
"You will!"shouted Donald at top of his lungs.
"Alright then."Mrs.Beakley said,shocked,who then followed Donald, and the others outside of the party.
"Now first things first."started Donald. "Danielle,Mrs.Beakley.Your both right.Danielle,you had no right to speak to Webby like that.Mrs.Beakley,Webby doesn't have very good social skills.You should of taught her those.
"Fine."said Danielle,and Mrs.Beakley together.
"Good."said Donald. "Webby,there was no reason for interfere with Emilie, and Kelly's fight.Danielle had it under control."Webby nodded.
"Now for the big problem."said Donald. "Emilie,are you sorry that you told Uncle Scrooge, and Mrs.Beakley that Kelly's transgender?"
"Yes."said Emilie.It was true,she was.
"Good."said Donald. "Kelly,do you forgive Emilie?"
"Well.....not right now."Kelly stated.
"Emilie,are you fine with this?"
"Yeah."said Emilie.It's what she really deserved,honestly.
"You can still have cake."Kelly told Emilie sympathetic.
"I'll take it." Emilie said with a smile.

* * *

The party was over.But Bentley,and Buford were still at the park.
"Remember."Bradford told them over the phone. "Only capture Emilie's siblings.But not Emilie.If we capture her,McDuck would be suspicious.Besides Emilie would be too distracted looking for her siblings to do her job."
"Of course."said Bentley, and Buford together.

The Chronicles of Emilie Duckman-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now