Annebelle the Cook

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Annebelle was walking on the sidewalk.She didn't know what was wrong.She gave men what they wanted,plus she beautiful.Far more beautiful than words can describe,but yet,men were beginning to turn her down.
It couldn't be her reputation,or her belief that they should give her everything she demands.It had to be something else.Annebelle suddenly looked up, and noticed she was in front of the gates of McDuck Manor.
She thought for a while, and realized Scrooge had money.And a lot of it.But he was too old for her,fortunately he believed in 'hard work'.Annebelle couldn't help but smile.
The plan was simple.Scrooge's closest male relative was the sailor cousin, and considering his dislike for the green cousin, and the red cousin,Scrooge's fortune would be divided between the sailor cousin, and the pilot cousin.Annebelle pushed the button on the box outside the gate.
"Yes"said a voice.
"Yes,this is Emilie's sister,Annebelle I was wondering- "Annebelle said suddenly realized she didn't think of a way to get into McDuck Manor. "If I could apply to be Mr.McDuck's cook." Annebelle added hastily,hoping the person on the other side wouldn't notice.
"Hold on a moment."said the voice on the other side.
'Seriously?'thought Annebelle.She thought she'd be allowed in solely because she was Emilie's sister, and Scrooge's idiotic belief that everyone should work.Finally the gates opened.
'About time.' thought Annebelle.Annebelle walked up the same hill her sister walked a month earlier.When she got to the front door,Annebelle wasn't happy.They better let her in,if not,then she walked who-knows-how many miles for nothing.The door suddenly opened.
"Come in."said the older, and larger,woman who answered.Annebelle gladly entered.Unfortunately the happiness did not last long. "Stay in the foyer."the woman said. "Don't talk to anyone,don't touch anything.You will wait here until Emilie arrives."
Annebelle crossed her arms, and pouted.Seriously?How come every time she wanted to do something people had to ask Emilie's permission as if as she was irresponsible, and immature individual!She was capable!Annebelle didn't know know how long she stood there sulking in her frustrated thoughts, but it seemed like forever when Emilie finally arrived.
"Hi Mrs.Beakley." Emilie said when the woman called Mrs.Beakley opened the door.
"Emilie."said Mrs.Beakley. "Please come in."
"Why did you want me to come over?"asked Emilie when she entered the mansion.
"Your sister,Annebelle,wants a job as a cook for Mr.McDuck, and I'll like you to vouch for her before bringing this up to Mr.McDuck for-obvious reasons."
"Uhhh....I'm sorry,Mrs.Beakley, I can't.Something feels off about this."
"I see."
"Shouldn't Mr.McDuck be the one who makes the final decision?"snapped Annebelle causing Mrs.Beakley, and Emilie to look at her,then each other.
"Very well than."said Mrs.Beakley. "Let's go."

                                                       *   *   *

"What's wrong with your sister wanting a job?"asked Scrooge.
"What?" said Emilie loudly. "Mr.McDuck,she never wanted a job before!When I made her get a job when we were younger she acted like I was threatening her with a bear!She makes her money by being a leech who enters vanity contests!"
"Well,people can change.And what do you mean by 'a leech who enters vanity contests'?"
"She dates men solely because of their money, and enters beauty contests." explained Mrs.Beakley.
"Well,it's like I said before:maybe she wants to change, and maybe working alongside you Emilie will improve her."said Scrooge.
"Seriously?"said Annebelle, who couldn't believe what she heard.For someone who constantly bragged about 'smarter than the smartest.' he was being incredibly stupid.
"Fine."said Emilie,resigning to the fact that Scrooge had hired Annebelle against her better judgement.
"Don't worry. I see anything suspicious,I'll alert you."said Mrs.Beakley to Emilie privately when they were in the hallway.
"Oh thank you."said Emilie. "But I don't think she's up to anything dangerous.But than again,you, and I have a vastly different idea of what's dangerous."
"Indeed."said Mrs.Beakley,not relizing that Annebelle was evasdropping.So Mrs.Beakley being suspicious of her was just the way she was,as opposed to Emilie who was right in believing that she was up to something.Emilie was just wrong about what Annebelle was up to.
Annebelle waited until the Emilie left to enact her plan.She had to act fast since Mrs.Beakley was suspicious of her.Annebelle went straight towards the kitchen.
"What are you doing?"asked Mrs.Beakley when she saw Annebelle in the kitchen.
'My job.'was the first thought that came to Annebelle's mind.But instead she said: "I've decided to make a cake for Mr.McDuck as a thank you for hiring me." while putting on her best smile.
"I see."said Mrs.Beakley flatly.It was hard to read her expression,then she left.Annebelle let out a sigh of relief.She had to work quickly.Annebelle grabbed the necessary things for a cake.But the most important thing was getting something to kill Scrooge so she can get her hooks into the sailor cousin.
Then she saw them:the wine glasses.All Annebelle had to do was break the wine glasses into shards,put them in the cake mix, and have Scrooge eat it.Unfortunately there was a problem.Mrs.Beakley.She was a paranoid individual.And glass always made noise when it broke,so she had to be careful.Thankfully Mrs.Beakley,nor anyone else for that matter,came in.When Annebelle left the kitchen with the cake when it was done she ran into Mrs.Beakley,Emilie, and Scrooge.
"What are you doing here?" Annebelle couldn't help but ask.
"Mrs.Beakley called me."Emilie explained,who looked as confused as Annebelle.Clearly,she had no idea what was going on either.
"Mrs.Beakley said you were baking a cake."said Scrooge.
"Yes!For you!"said Annebelle with a smile.
"Hold on."said Mrs.Beakley "I want Emilie to taste test the cake first."
"Seriously Mrs.Beakley?"said Emilie. "What do you think Annebelle did?Poison the cake?"Annebelle laughed nervously at this.
'Oh,Emilie,if only you knew.' thought Annebelle.
"I want to make sure."said Mrs.Beakley,who noticed Annebelle's nervous laugh. "Come on.Everyone in the kitchen."When all four adults entered the kitchen Annebelle had no choice but to cut Emilie a piece of cake.
"Ewww!Raspberry?! I hate raspberry!"complained Emilie.
"Just take a bite!"ordered Mrs.Beakley.
"Alright!Alright!"snapped Emilie,who took an ant sized bite.
"I meant a bigger bite."
"Oh."said Emilie before taking a normal size bite.
"ECK!" yelped Emilie.
"What's wrong?"Scrooge asked while Mrs.Beakley looked at the floor where Emilie spit out her piece of cake.
"There was glass in the cake."Mrs.Beakley pointed out.Scrooge, and Emilie looked at the floor,then at Annebelle.
"Were you trying to kill me?"demanded Scrooge angerily.
"I-was-trying-to-get to the sailor cousin."Annebelle said,partly hoping Scrooge,or anyone else for that matter,would not call the cops.And partly thinking that Scrooge would be used to people trying to kill him.
"Leave!You're fire!"yelled Scrooge,causing Annebelle to run out of the kitchen, and altogether the mansion.
"I should of listened to you,Emilie."Scrooge told Emilie when he calmed down.
"Well,on the bright side,you didn't have raspberry cake in your mouth." Emilie said.
"Yes.Because that's far worse than dying."Scrooge said sarcastically.

The Chronicles of Emilie Duckman-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now