The Bin,and the Manison

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Emilie was standing outside the gates of McDuck Manor the very next day.She was determined to find out what Mr.McDuck, and Beakley were hiding.And do her job.Emilie pushed the button on the box outside the gates.
"Yes?"said a voice.
"Hi,this is Emilie Duckman." Emilie began. "I was wondering if I could come in." The gates opened up.Apparently she could.
"Thank you."said Emilie with a sly smile.It took a while for Emilie to get to the manor, and when she did the first thing she did was blow a raspberry at the security cameras.After that she put a note in her phone to mention to Scrooge to move his home someplace more reasonable.
'House on the hill.Incredible in thought.House on the hill.Annoying for anyone who has to climb said hill!' thought Emilie as she typed it on her phone.Then Emilie knocked on the door.
"Ah,there you are."said Beakley when she answered the door.
"Hi Ms.-Miss-Mrs.?-Beakley"said Emilie.
"Mrs.Beakley."Mrs.Beakley answered as she moved to allow Emilie to enter McDuck Manor. "Follow me,please."continued Mrs.Beakley.
"Yes,ma'am."said Emilie as she entered trying not to gawk at her surroundings.
'Don't act like a New York tourist.' Emilie thought as she found herself in the kitchen with Mrs.Beakley.
"Passover Rainbow Cookies."presented Mrs.Beakley on a tray. "A traditional Jewish dessert from your home state of New York."
"How did you know I was from New York?"asked Emilie.
"By your Birdyloon accent."explained Mrs.Beakley. "Now,eat all of those while you do whatever you planned on doing.The fact you lived on a diet of chocolate-vanilla swirl ice cream, and espresso was very troubling to me."
Um-okay.Thank you for the Rainbow Cookies."Emilie said as she walked out of the kitchen,only to bump into a female duck who looked around her age.
"Hey!"she said "I'm Della!Who are you?"
"Emilie.Emilie Duckman."Emilie responsed.
"Oooo.You must Uncle Scrooge's new C.F.O.You're a lot younger than I thought you would be."
"Your welcome."said Della failing to pick up the sarcasm. "Your probably better than that old scavenger Bradford Buzzard."
"Oh,he was Scrooge's old Head of Board 'till he was outed as the head of F.O.W.L."
"And F.O.W.L. is what?"
"The Fiendish Organization of World Larceny.They're after the Missing Mysteries like we are."explained Della as she took some Rainbow Cookies off the tray Emilie had in her hands.
"Della,would you like some Rainbow Cookies?"asked Emilie.
"Nah.Had enough,thanks."Della responsed.
"Well,I'd like a tip for serving you."Emilie commented causing Della to pause.
"Oh.Sarcasm.Right.Of course."Della said awkwardly. "Well,why don't I make it up to you."
"Okay."said Emilie with a smile.
"Great.Because I know someone who knows a lot about F.O.W.L. Along with anything else you want to know."
"Webby."said Della taking Emilie by the hand causing her to try balance the tray with the Rainbow Cookies on it with her other hand.
"Hey Webby!"said Della finally.
"Hi Della!"said a little duckling who shimmied out of nowhere.
"Webby,this is Emilie.She wants to know more about F.O.W.L."
"Emilie Duckman?Scrooge McDuck's new C.F.O?"said Webby with excitement.
"Yes."said Emilie. "Also,how much sugar have you had today?"Webby responded with taking a photo of her. "Why did you do that for?"exclaimed Emilie.
Webby didn't respond, but instead put Emilie's picture on a board that she recently uncovered.
"Uh-is anyone else-unnerved by this?"asked Emilie when she saw what was on the board.
"Oh,this is where I put all my information about Scrooge's family."explained Webby.
"But-I want to know about F.O.W.L."
"Oh,what do you want to know?History?Agents?Link to Scrooge's family?"
"The last one!"said Emilie in excitement. "But shorter."
"How short?"asked Webby.
"Well, I know Bradford used to be Mr.McDuck's old C.F.O. until he was outed as the head of F.O.W.L., and F.O.W.L.'s looking for something called 'The Missing Mysteries'.
"Ooo."interrupted Webby. "The Missing Mysteries of Isabella Finch.Lost,historical artifacts lost to time."
"Why is F.O.W.L. after them though?"
"I don't know.But I think it's because we're after them."
"Why are you after them?"
"You ask a lot of questions."said Webby suspiciously while leaning towards Emilie.
"Asking questions means I want to know more."Emilie stated.
"More about us or F.O.W.L.?!"
"Do you want to hook me up with a lie detector?"
"Mmm..."thought Webby.

                                * * *
"What do you mean you don't have a lie detector?"snapped Webby at Gyro.
"Why would I need one?Why would McDuck Enterprises need one?"Gyro asked.
"You can make a better one."explained Emilie. "Lie detector tests usually aren't allowed in court because there are people who have no problem lying.Edvince is more reliable.If you can create a lie detector that people can't fool it could be useful to find out who's an undercover F.O.W.L. agent."
"Like you for example?"said Webby.
"If she was an undercover F.O.W.L. agent why would she tell me to build a lie detector to find undercover F.O.W.L. agents?"asked Gyro.
"Hmm."said Webby. "I don't know.I'm sorry I accused you of being an undercover F.O.W.L. agent."
"It's okay.I've been accused of worse."said Emilie.
"Really on 'the okay with being accused of being an undercover F.O.W.L. agent' or being accused of worse?"
"Uhhh...never mind."said Webby.
"Okay than. I think I'm done here."said Emilie. "I'm going to go now."
And Emilie left with Della and,Webby.

The Chronicles of Emilie Duckman-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now