A Day at the Pier

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Annebelle Duckman was at the pier.And she wasn't happy.
'I can't believe he said no to me!'Annebelle thought of her ex-boyfriend. ' "But Annebelle it's wrong to wear fur nowadays."Seriously I should get whatever I want!'Annebelle looked around.It shouldn't be too hard to find a new man.After all the pier was full of men.Unfortunately,she saw her older sister,Emilie,and two other people with her.
"Isn't this great!"said Della. "My old best friend,my new best friend hanging out!"
"No!"said Penumbra.
"I'm fine with being a second tier friend to you."said Emilie.
"Good,because that's what you are."Penumbra said to Emilie.
"Awww,come on.You can both be my first tier friends!"said Della.
"I'm not sharing the first tier!"said Penumbra.
"There could only be one friend on the first tier Della."explained Emilie.
"Well,we're here.So let's have fun."said Della awkwardly.
"Wait,is that my sister?"said Emilie noticing Annebelle.
"Where?"asked Della.
"Over there.The platinum blonde wearing hot pink."
"Seriously?You're related to her?"said Penumbra.
"I didn't think you'd be related to someone like Annebelle."said Della.
"Annebelle's reputation knows no bounds."said Emilie. "Let's go somewhere else."
"Why?You were born first."said Penumbra,who then paused, and added "You were born first right?"
"Yes.But she's really really annoying."
"But your the older sibling.Show your dominance towards her!"
"Okay."said Emilie taking out a pocket knife.
"No!"yelled Della. "Penny probably meant challenging Annebelle to some pier games."
"What?You thought I was going to...?"said Emilie. "That's crazy. I was going toooo.Yeah,that's what I was planning on doing.".Della, and Penumbra looked at each.
"At least your willing to kill to show your dominance."stated Penumbra.
"Let's go talk to Annebelle."said Della as the three women walked towards Annebelle,Emilie a bit reluctantly.
"Annebelle!Your older sister Emilie challenges you to a competition between pier games!"announced Penumbra when they arrived at where Annebelle was.
"What?"said Annebelle.
"I want to challenge you in pier games."Emilie said.
"What's in for me?"Annebelle snottly asked as she filed her nails.
"The thrill of the competition!"said Della.
"Hard pass."
"Prove that you are more superior than your older sister."said Penumbra.
"I already have that. I've been on more dates this month than she has in five years."
"Hey!Dates don't mean anything!"snapped Della.
"Really?Fine,I'll play."said Annebelle who suddenly stopped filing her nails. "If I win you three have to admit that dates are a sign of superiority."
"And if I win?" Emilie asked.
"Mmm.If you win...then I'll say dates aren't a sign of superiority."
"Let's shake on it."said Emilie holding out her hand.
"Fine."sighed Annebelle taking Emilie's hand, and shaking it. "Let the games begin."Then the sisters began to play.It was hard to tell who was better at the pier games as at lunch time the score was even.
"Okay,the score's even."said Della when the four women were at Hamburger Hippo awaiting their lunch.
"There's only one more game.The bottle game."said Penumbra.
"That game is very hard to beat."said Emilie.
"I can't believe we're eating lunch here!"whined Annebelle.
"You can eat someplace else."said Emilie.
"Then how would we know if she's at the bottle game or not."said Penumbra.Emilie shrugged her shoulders.
"You could not eat."stated Emilie.
"Fine.I'll rather not eat at this grease pit than have lunch."said Annebelle.
"Whatever."said Emilie.Then added "Moron."Lunch arrived, and as she said Annebelle didn't eat.
"Okay,now that lunch is done."began Emilie, "At least those of us who ate lunch." Emilie said while staring pointly at Annebelle.
"I told you I wasn't going to eat at this grease pit."Annebelle said flatly.
"Hope you starve."
"Okay."Della interrupted,obviously trying to decrease the tension between the two sisters."Why don't we go to that bottle game?"
"Fine."said Annebelle.
"Whatever."said Emilie.
"I'm beginning to think that this pier game competition between the two of them was a bad idea."said Penumbra.
"Yeah."agreed Della as the four women went towards the direction of the bottle game.
"Here it is!"said Emilie uncharacteristically dramatically when they arrived at the bottle game. "Hit the milk bottle with a ball, and win a prize."said the man at the counter.
"I'm good with hitting."said Annebelle.
"Wrong kind of hitting idiot."said Emilie.
"Besides,nobody can win this game."said the man at the counter.
"We'll see about that."said Annebelle. "Give me three balls."The man at the counter gave Annebelle her three balls.
"You paying ma'am?"said the man.Annebelle just stood there,shocked.
"Ma'am?"she said.
"Uhh...Can I have three balls?"said Emilie.
"Sure thing little lady."responsed the man at the counter who gave her three balls,which Emilie paid for.
"Let's do this."said Emilie before throwing the balls.And failing to knock down the milk bottles.
"Ha! I win!"Annebelle said.
"No,you didn't try yet!"
"Fine!"snapped Annebelle who picked up her three balls, and threw them, and like Emilie,she failed.
"Told you nobody can win this game."said the man at the counter cockily.
"Wanna bet?"said Emilie looking around, and suddenly spotting the hammer from the test your strength game.Emilie ran towards the game.
"Excuse me,can I borrow that hammer please?"Emilie asked the man at the game.
"Sure."he said handing the hammer to Emilie.Emilie walked back to the milk bottle game while whistling the theme song of the Darkwing Duck.When she arrived back at the game she went behind the counter, and smashed the bottles.
"I win."Emilie said.
"You destroyed the bottles!"the man yelled at her.Emilie looked at him,then at the bottles.
"Oh." Emilie said quietly,then ran from behind the counter,grabbed Della,and Penumbra by the hands, and didn't stop running until she was off the pier.
"Why-did-you-that-?"puffed Della,who like Emilie, and Penumbra,was out of breath.
"I-wanted-to-win-."explained Emilie.
"At least we know who's the superior sister."Penumbra said,who seemed to have caught her breath.
"Yeah, I guess."said Della.
"And nobody died to find out who's the superior sister."added Emilie.

The Chronicles of Emilie Duckman-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now