Chapter 1: The Cat Who Cried Wolf

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In the woods, Crimson and Carmine are racing each other competitively. Crimson beasts him and they soon come to a halt in a small forest clearing, carmine start whimpering crimson pets carmine's head.

"Sorry, carmine. I'd love to race again, but I gotta get back to school." Carmine licks crimson's face, exposing his half-wolf ears. "My ears! Go find out pack." He said carmine whimper and nod, carmine heads off.

Crimson takes in a deep breath and runs into the shadows elsewhere. In the background, Crimson doesn't notice kitty. He giggles and disappears in light of new gossip. Crimson runs out of the forest near the school. Kitty confronts him while with Carrolloo.

"You beat that wolf in a race!" Kitten make Crimson gasps turn to see Kitten with a light purple caterpillar scratch it's head. "How do you do it? I'm all ears..." Kitten said in a low sarcastic voice.

"Kitten, you can't tell anyone about that." He said worried if she tell everybody about his family secret. Kitten giggles and disappears, crimson sigh Raven enters behind Crimson along with Twyla and Emerald. "Crimson..." both Emerald & Raven said together, Crimson turns to them growling as his eyes turn yellow Raven gasp while Emerald and Twyla showed no fear from their faces. Crimson eyes turn back.

"Raven?, Twyla? and Emerald? Let me guess." Crimson put his head down and sigh. "Y-yeah. Wanna talk about it?" Twyla said Raven puts his hand on Crimson's shoulder. "I just... I guess it would be a relief to finally tell someone." He opens his leaf-shaped locket raveling of his parents. "My family is... hiding a secret." Crimson shut his locket.

"Your mom, Red Riding Hood, Married the Big Bad Wolf? Don't worry, we won't say a word" Emerald said keeping their promise of his secret. "it's not you guys I'm worried about..." he said Crimson gases up at the Cheshire symbol atop of the tree Kitten was on.

Gym Class

"We're running laps today you'll find very important, when some crazy old bakers try to eat you." Coach GingerbreadMan eyes dart around. "Okay! Now, ready, set." He said blows his whistle three students start running while Kitten appears Twyla nudge Raven's arm and point at Kitten.

"Kitten?" Raven curious about kitty is causing mischievous. Kitten winks to Carrolloo who opens a large carriage carrying a stag. Crimson's wolf form gets triggered and he runs at a high speed. Crimson starts growling and running faster than his normal speed. "Oh, no." Emerald worried that crimson secret almost been revealed.

Everyone gasps in surprise that crimson is running faster than all the other people on the track. The stag jumps back in the carriage and crimson stops dead. "So, Crimson!" Crimson tugs his hood down nervously. "Anything you want to... um... tell us?" He said about to tell everybody about crimson's secret.

"I can't believe it Raven the speed you on his sneakers actually worked!" Twyla said to Raven that give him realize what she meant. "Great job Raven." Emerald knowing what Twyla meant "What?" Kitten said confused of what Twyla said. "I'll show you." Raven cast a spell on Kitten, he runs around uncontrollably.

"No! Hey! Oh! Ah! Ah!" Kitten freaking out and can't control his legs start running, Crimson walks up to them. "you guys, thanks." Crimson thanking them for protecting his secret Kitten was screaming wondering when the spell stops.

"Don't worry Kitten, it'll wear off!... eventually." Raven said that caused the two girls giggles, Twyla kiss raven's cheeks, emerald kiss crimson's cheek making the two boy froze " You did the right thing rave I'm very proud of you."Twyla said both girls left them. Both Raven and Crimson got out their trance from been frozen their face gone fully blush all over their faces even crimson's wolf ears start to wiggling from the kiss they even both smiled while hears surrounded them.

 Both Raven and Crimson got out their trance from been frozen their face gone fully blush all over their faces even crimson's wolf ears start to wiggling from the kiss they even both smiled while hears surrounded them

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