Chapter 1: Study Party

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Although it is out quiet in the premises, Rumpelstiltskin's cackle fills the halls and startles the animals and waking a sleeping student was Briar Beauty just wakes up from Rumpelstiltskin's laugh with the whole class. "Huh?!" She said confused wide  awake from her sleep. "You heard correctly, Raven King." Rumpelstiltskin said pointing but bit shaking a ruler at him.

Adam Stands up and raises his hand. "Uh, Professor Rumpelstiltskin? This is totally unfair. He said about the test going to be more hard. "You can't test us on chapters one through thirty-four!" Ashlynn said read through all those chapters just for one test. "We've only studied up to chapter two." Dexter said holds two fingers out.

"I cannot tell a lie and, well, that-that's just not very nice." Cedar said Folds his arms while Rumpelstiltskin start laughing waiting his students to failed.

Later at night

All the students are all gathered together in the student lounge room for a study party. "You guys don't know about Professor Rumpelstiltskin? At the beginning of each year, he gives an insanely hard test. His students have to ask for extra credit, which is just spinning straw into gold for him!" Blondie  said explaining all about his test that is what they afraid of.

"The test is tomorrow morning. Look - I'm totally getting stress splinters." Cedar looks at his hands sounds like wood splinters are coming out. "Well, I could tutor you guys. I've been studying on my own, like, forever after!" Briar said been honest the other students are so glad there someone that can help them for the test. "Royally cool!" Ashlynn said complement to Briar, briar loudly yawning.

"Let's start with the basic elements..." Briar start collapses on a pile of books and start snoring. Adam pokes briar and sigh. "If we can't wake up briar, we're totally gonna fail the test!" Cedar said freaking out.

As a wakeup attempt, Dexter , Hunter and Cedar slam books loudly next and behind to briar. Next, Darlin flashes her bright smile in her face but instead her crown-glasses fall over her eyes. Lastly, Blondie turns on a holographic bear on her MirrorPad and it roars. Briar is still asleep. "Man... if only she took studying as seriously as partying." Raven said crossing his arms that gave Twyla an idea.

"Ah! That's it!" Twyla snap her fingers summon, sets up her music player and turns it on, the sound burst into music actually wake briar up. "Uh! Hey, guys, what's up?" Briar said waken from her sleep. "You! Finally. But now you have to stay awake and help us." Twyla said now that give briar a new idea.

"Well, there's one thing I'm always up for. A Study Party!" Briar said everybody cheer the study party starts now. "The basic elements: there's pixie dust and dragon fire!" She said points to pixie dust then Point to dragon fire. At the same time of studying, the students are dancing along to music.
"Pixie dust and dragon fire! Hahaha!" They said and start laughing.

Next Day: Test Day

"Time is up! Let's see how you failed. Raven King - an A. Twyla Evermoor - an A. Adam White - an A. Cedar Wood - an A. Hunter Huntsman - A! Briar Beauty - A!" Rumpelstiltskin said in angrily all the students test answer are all correct. "Never underestimate the power of a Study Party!" Briar said laughs along with everyone. "A! A! A! Argh!" Rumpelstiltskin said feeling their victory all of them have A markings on their test.

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