The Extermination Day (13+)

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Here's an update.
Yeah that's all I got to say haha
Now back to the show!!
{ U N E D I T E D }

My eyes travel around the room, crimson filling the cracks in the wall and dripping in through the floor boards of our once happy hotel. Angel... Charlie... Husk... Nifty... all gone, slaughtered at the feet of the merciless beings from Heaven. We all knew the extermination was coming... we all know it comes for all of us one day... but we are running out of time. Alastor bares his menacing smile at the hosts of the Heavenly murderers  as he raises hell straight up from the ground, LITERALLY. His sheer power slices through the atmosphere, choking life out from every corner of this underworld. He then throws up his hands, casting shadows to surround us, the arc angels shrieking in horror as his perfect smile falters, weakening under the intense strain. I rush to him, my hands landing on his firm shoulders, supporting his weight as he sinks to his knees, sweat running heavily down his brow.
"Darling... I..."

"Darling I... I have something to confess..."
I lift an eyebrow.
"I think... my feeling are somehow... I mean- I believe I have a defect somehow-"
I roll my eyes as I yank his collar forwards me. Our first kiss.

But that isn't right now isn't it?

He cannot seem to speak for a minute, his breath sticks abruptly in his throat, his brilliant eyes boring a hole into my skull and stealing away my strength. We have both fought on as much as we could... but... I don't know how much longer...
"Do you remember the first day we met?"
A tear sparks in my eye. Of course I remember. I've never stopped remembering.
He chuckles, reminding me all too much of the careless days we spent together. Teasing Charlie, vainly pranking Angel. Laughing under our breaths when no one was looking, bearing our souls when the lights were dimmed. Snarling at those who opposed us.
Feeling each other.
"Remember how we instantly saw each other as a threat? And then we tried to poison the other... and then... it just made us both impressed. Haha! What lunatics we are huh my sweet?"
His hand brushes across my cheek, both our faces dried and crusted with bright red angel blood, a loose intestine still caught up in the folds of my hair. The static grows louder, drowning out the noise around us as thunder rolls throughout my veins.
"And... and the first time I let you in? Do you remember what I said?"
I nod, slowly.
"You- you said that you've been a murderer all you- your life. But you'd never m- met someone who you'd actually kill to protect."
I despise my tone for wavering.
But he doesn't care.
He smiles into the kiss he pulls me into. Soft, tender, and somehow rocky, sharp and bittersweet all at once. Like we're creating a masterpiece while intwining mouths.
"I was wrong."
My heart skips a beat.
"I was wrong when I said you were someone I'd kill for..."
My eyebrows furrow, he grabs my hand, pressing my knuckles to his lips.
"You... you are someone I'd die for."
My eyes widen.
"You have made me have a purpose... made me see what I'm both capable of doing and capable of shattering into."
"No, Alastor-"
"And I couldn't live, knowing that I let my only love in any life... get destroyed. I COULDN'T. You know it's me that they want... I'm the last one left of the overlords."
Tears flow down my face in messy, spastic bursts, my insides already mourning the loss.
He just smiles, grins desperately into my eyes, pleading with me to understand what we both know he must do.

Alastor smiles into hair as his hands crease my spine- shoving me onto the bed in a commanding text inviting manner.
"Alastor... haha... Alastor- stop- hey!"
His grin gets wider.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice in the matter my dear."

Reality glitches.

Memories flood in.

"I'm afraid... you don't have a say in the matter my dear."
He shoves me to the ground, wrapping the remaining shadows around me as he rips open the barrier, letting the fiery light deep through the cracks of our dark paradise.
He turns to me, his back to the swarm of angels descending.
He's still smiling, even if a single tear drops off his chin.
"This is where the curtain closes I suppose."
We lock eyes for one last time, just before the spear connects with his spine.
"I'm glad you got to be in my show."
And he bows.

~Unquenchable and Undeniable~(Alastorxreader one shots)Where stories live. Discover now