I Need you HERE (sympathetic Al X Tramuatized Reader)

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Triggers: mentions of panic attacks, DEATH BY CUTENESS, implied trauma

I don't attempt to stop the flashbacks from coming... in fact, I usually embrace them.
Like the idiot I am though... I let them consume me too much... FAR. TOO. MUCH.
All the time... and laugh while I do so. I am a demon... after all. Smile at the pain, clothe yourself with it... pretend like it's the finest gems. But... still... I just- sometimes it's just... harder.
They wrap their arms around me, crush my skull and suffocate me to the point when I know that any minute I will die again and undoubtedly go to double hell where I belong-
Oh no.
It's happening.
My breaths get heavy, my makeshift heartbeat accelerating as I fall backward onto my worn out hotel bed. My hands crease over my horns as I tuck my legs under my chest, tears gathering in my eyes and beginning to pour down my paled face. Every time I inhale I feel his hand lash across my face, I glimpse the shards of beer bottles shattered in the corner... and I see the blood on my hands as he-
As he-
I can't... I CAN'T BREATHE.
I shouldn't be like this... I'm a DEMON for crying out loud... but somehow once I start I just can't stop. Everything hits me, and I loose it.
Though... a sudden calm hits me, even now, as a gentle static settles throughout the room, and I feel long, clawed fingers crease my spine. I feel the tip of an all too familiar radio tilt my chin upward from the mattress and an invisible hand pull my forward until I'm facing the most ferocious creature in all the universe.
Also, my lover... somehow.
Imagine that.
His smile makes my heart skip a beat in new ways as he wipes away my tears surprisingly gentle for a merciless serial killer.
"What is troubling you darling?"
I don't say anything, I just stare him directly in the eyes, and try to get lost in the depths of the lovely crimson~
"Was it the flashbacks my sweet?"
This time... I do nod, and his grin gets slightly thinner as he helps me out of bed, slipping me onto his chest slowly in a way only he could as begins to lead me forward the door- no doubt to get to the others... to escape the tension of the situation... to help me by having me talk to Charlie... but-
"Al- please."
He stops in his tracks, swiveling on his ears, no used to being interrupted mid-action.
"I don't... I don't need them right now."
Al's eyes go slightly wider as he tentatively lets me lead him forward into the bed, him straddling my body in a calm yet...
Strangely angelic way-
His face contorts into a beautifully sly smile as his lips pause an inch away from my neck, my hands shaking slightly as they grasp his waist. This does not usually happen, given how he and I are both not big on touching. Actually, scratch that. Me being sensitive and he being asexual, we tend to avoid it like the plague. Actually... no. That's not accurate. Alastor loves the plague, and anything that terrorized others.
We avoid it like... like we avoid every detail about our past lives on earth.
That is something both of us want to bury deep within the ground... it's a shame zombies exist though, even in the mind.
But every so often we're willing to slip just a little and feel our joints crash against each other and lips feel lips...
"Are you sure my little fallen angel?"
Without any hesitation I answer:
"Of course I am Al... you know I wouldn't suggest this if otherwise."
"Should we discuss-"
"Later... right now... I really need you. JUST YOU."
I take a shallow breath, my tears all dried as he whispers:
"As you wish~"

He starts at my neck, very softly, his lips and his sharp teeth tickling my senses and blooming heat on my now pasty skin. I inhale sharply and he pushes me up the mattress slowly, to the point where my heart is at the verge of breaking open and shattering into millions of shards on the floor... leaving them to be sewn back into my skin by... by Alastor. He touches my shoulders gingerly, tilting my chin up to look to look him directly his his gorgeously frightening eyes.

Eyes that enslave me to his deceased soul and the chains that strap me to his grasp and his voice that drowns me in the best melodies known to any person that had ever-or will ever-exist.
"Look at me, sweet."
I do.
"You know who you are to me, darling. And I know you are the one that has always been entwined with my essence... but dear... you are hurt... and your scars are visible... and I wish to feed upon the souls of those that have wronged you-"
I lift my fingers up to he side of his head as he braces me a bit harder against the ornate bed frame, his legs bending into mine ever so slightly as I nip at his ear, causing him to shiver with delight.
Ha, look at that.
The king of all nightmares shivering under my touch.
"I would love to watch that Al... but you are the only thing that could ever mend this up... you... you have no idea..."
I touch my lips against his, surrounding myself with his presence as we both pull back an inch, pretending to both be secure when in fact we are currently a collection of unstable undead lunatics.
This is life huh?

Who knew that I would find my greatest fulfillment in the place I was sent to burn forever?

Well... it did do something...
Set my heart on fire.

Alastor does always love my dad jokes~

But then again,
Who doesn't?

~Unquenchable and Undeniable~(Alastorxreader one shots)Where stories live. Discover now