A brand new chapter of life

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The next morning I woke up, I felt really refreshed. I found myself hugging my wolf and he was already up and snuggling at my side.

Fenrir: Good morning, Master!

Me: Morning.

I let him go and stood up from the bed. Next to the bed where a pair of clothing in my size, so I took them and changed into them in the empty room. The curtains to the side where my bed was also closed, which I was happy. After I changed into them, Fenrir came to my side and looked up at me.

Fenrir: Master, Shall I call for anyone?

Me: No need for that. Fenrir I have a question.

Fenrir: Yes Master?

Me: Why did you lead me to that cliff?

Fenrir: It was a necessity for you to connect to us. As already said we are creatures of the dark. We are stronger when it's dark like in that rainy day and that time all the conditions were met for you to gain access to your domain.

I wanted to lead you to your domain. It was never my intention to let you die there. However, I did not expect the hero to be there and an event lead to the other and he fell too. If it were only you, I would have caught you and opened a portal for us. Unfortunately, I am prohibited to bring any strangers with us if my master doesn't approve at all.

Me: I understand.

Fenrir: It won't happen again. I promise. Now I know better Master! These people love you like we do. I was foolish that time not to open a portal and bring you both back to safety sooner. I am so sorry, Master! I hope you can forgive me!

Me: It's ok Fenrir. You said it yourself you were prohibited and the past is past.

Fenrir: I can still feel your sadness Master. I am really sorry.

Me: It's really ok, now come on, we should probably go and see Nezu.

I then went out of the infirmary and straight to Nezus office. Once I was in front of the office, I knocked and he immediately let me in.

Nezu: Good Morning, Izu! How are you feeling?

Me: Morning. Good I guess.

Nezu: That's good to hear. Let me quickly get Lunch Rush to prepare us some breakfast and we can talk after it.

Me: Okay.

Nezu called Lunch Rush to bring us some breakfast and 15 minutes later, he came in with the food + some raw meat for Fenrir.

Nezu called Lunch Rush to bring us some breakfast and 15 minutes later, he came in with the food + some raw meat for Fenrir

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The meal was really good and I didn't even realized how starved I was until I started eating. After we finished the food me and Nezu were sitting across each others.

Nezu: Izu, I have a question for you.

Me: Hmm?

Nezu: I saw that you wanted to enter UA and seeing as time flies by really quickly, I wanted to ask you if you still desire to be a hero and attend UA?

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