A new day, A new attempt!

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It was the next day and I was still fast asleep. I didn't dream anything that night. It was just pure darkness, a bliss for me that I hoped to achieve one day. Not hearing the door open or someone coming in, I was still sleeping peacefully not moving from the corner. Then all of the sudden I was woken up rather rudely and unexpected.

And there goes my sleep...

When waking someone up I would think they would yell at me or throw things at me, heavy things or even hit me until I wake up. However, what I didn't expect was someone throwing a bucket full of ice water at me.

Looks like someone here has an ice quirk.

The coldness woke me up. I didn't react to it nor scream at the sudden wetness and coldness of the water.

This feels good. It is soothing my pain pretty good.

Me (whispering) Thank you...

I feel like this shouldn't feel so good and was intended to harm me.

Well I don't care! It feels good for me!

Caren: Took you long enough to wake up mutt! Go and do your job or no food for you today!

Is it already that time? I was hoping to get a little more sleep.

Guess I should better hurry.

She then looked at me as I was slowly getting up.

I wish I could hurry but Bakugos injuries are a pain in the ass and hindering my every movement, even restricted them. Never should have angered or talk back at him.

Caren: What are you standing there for? GO!

I looked at her and I was still not moving very quickly. My injuries are getting to me. She didn't liked seeing that one bit. She came closer to me and then slapped me with enough force that send me flying towards the ground. My eyes were wide open looking at the floor.

My mother never slapped me nor did anyone else. It was my first time receiving a slap in the face.

Caren: You ingrate worthless piece of shit! I am gonna say this one more time! GET MOVING!

Me: I am sorry!

I am sorry I can't go any faster.

I am sorry to bother you.

I am sorry to be so useless.

I tried to stand up but my legs gave up and I fell down. My new caretaker didn't like that either.

Caren: GOD you're more than useless!

I know...

She looked at me and kicked me into the stomach while I was on the ground struggling to stand up.


I caught up blood as my broken rib was still making me problems. Trying to get up again and failing miserably at it, my caretaker turned around and stomped out of the basement.

Caren: No food for you today!

I wasn't hungry anyways...

Taking out my phone I saw that it was 4 a.m. and I decided to go to the bridge that I saw when my grandmother brought me here. As I recall it correctly, it shouldn't be too far away.

I can do this. One last walk before I die.

It took me another 13 tries to actually stand up and I had an iron taste in my mouth. My breathing wasn't steady at all and it hurt to say the least.

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