Chapter Three- Shadow

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Hey! This be Ari coming to you with my very first chapter of our epic story! Please ignore all previous comments about the other being the awesomest. They are clearly mistaken as I am the MOST AWESOME of the group!!!!


I stood amidst the crowd of teens, eager to get a glance at the poor souls that were chosen to give the opening speech this year. Even as a sophomore and this being my second year, I knew how humiliating it could be.

Ms. Chalk cleared her throat, signaling the start of the dreaded ceremony. That's when I saw who was stuck giving the speech. I couldn't help but laugh. Up there on the stage were the two biggest pranksters in the school (possibly the universe). Otherwise know as Talise and Enya. What the hell was Ms. Chalk thinking?

I listened to them ramble on about summer affairs, horrible lunches, and something about brownies. They were clearly trying their hardest to suppress their laughter. Unlike the rest of the auditorium, including me. A plane could crash into the school and no one would hear it!

They finished the speech and were met with an overwhelming applause. Ms. Chalk, red as a tomato, took over the mic, said something unimportant, then handed the mic to the assistant principle. I really didn't care about what he was saying, it was the same as last year. Also, something else was holding my attention.

Ms. Chalk was doing some funky shit up there! 

In less than two seconds I had my phone out and recording. Watching our principle attempt to scratch herself was just too much too handle. Breathing felt like a chore and i'm willing to bet that I just lost five pounds!

Ms. Chalk suddenly stopped. She was glaring at Talise, who was pointing a phone at her. Talise left with Enya a second later. Probably to the principle's office. I suppose I should be worried about them, but they seem to enjoy pissing staff members off.

I wish I could say the next three hours were a blur. But to be honest, they were boring as hell. After the excitement of the opening ceremony, everything seemed to have an extra dose of boring. Lunch took care of that though!

After getting my lunch which consisted of... um... I wanna say mashed potatoes but I don't think they're supposed to smell like that, I ran into Talise and Enya. They were shooting spitballs at random kids. I just rolled my eyes and sat down next to Talise. Nothing they do surprises me anymore.

Talise shot a final spitball at one of  the janitors, causing him to fall into the mop bucket, before turning to me with the usual evil grin. "Hey cuz! Did you enjoy our speech?"

"Yeah it was epic!"

"Of course it was Shadow! Everything we do is epic," Enya said, "and did you see Crank at the end? That was priceless!"

I held up my phone, "Yep, got it all on camera."


"So how long did you get?" I inquired. Their current record is two weeks I believe.

"Four weeks," Talise said. Enya nodded her head in agreement. I could see how proud they were. I will never understand them.

"Doesn't detention get boring?"

Talise laughed, "Not when Enya and I are there!"

"Hell yeah! Detention is another word for party!" Enya added, "You, should get detention sometime. You know, join us in one of our pranks?"

I shook my head, "No way, i'll do whatever the hell you want, just not in school."

"What's the difference?" Enya asked.

"My mom won't know it's me and therefore won't have my ass on a platter."

They just rolled their eyes. We're opposites in a way, me and the duo. They do most of their pranking at school. Harassing the staff, destroying school property. But I never do anything bad at school. The teachers see me as the good kid. I always do my work on time and never get in trouble. That's why they got all surprised when they found out Talise and I are related.

Anyways, I may be all goody two shoes in school, but once I exit those doors i'm a completely different person. Now I know what you're thinking. And no, i'm not a criminal. I don't steal, or kill or any of that. I just innocently ruin peoples' days (or lives). And I have yet to be caught. My nickname is Shadow for a reason.

My ninja skills are so epic!

Lunch ended all too soon and another three hour wave of boredom was forced upon me. The final bell rang and everyone who wasn't passed out on their desk bolted out the door. I met up with my best friend of all time, aka Leah, who unfortunately doesn't have a single class with me. We're neighbors so we've been walking home together since forever. At first she would run away from me because I made fun of her obnoxiously dyed green hair (which she still has). I used to call her Medusa and throw bananas at her. Then one day she apparently had enough and punched me in the face. No damage was done but she earned my respect. We've been best friends ever since.

"Where were you this morning?" I asked, slightly mad.

Leah sighed, "I had to bring my sis to school, my mom's sick." My expression softened a bit. Her little sister's a pain in the ass. She's six and has a temper that rivals the Hulk. Every little thing pisses her off.

"Well you missed the funniest thing ever. Talise and Enya gave this epic speech and Ms. Chalk was doing some sort of rain dance!"

"I always miss the good stuff."

I gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "Don't worry, it'll be all over the internet soon enough. And besides, I caught it all on- what's that?" 

Leah followed my finger, "Oh, no."


"No. That car is worth way too much money."



"No buts, the owner shouldn't have been stupid enough to park his Aston Martin in a public parking lot where some innocent passerby could accidentally shove some fruit into the tailpipe..."

"Shadow," her tone was stern, like a mother's, "you are not gonna touch that car. Don't even look at that car." How'd she know? Was it the evil grin or the crab apples?

"Hey what's that!"

She didn't look.

"I'll watch your sister for a week."

"No you won't."

I pouted, "Since when did you become such a kill joy?"

"I'm not, I just think that this one is too risky."


Leah continued down the sidewalk, smiling a very smug smile. I crossed my arms and followed her. We came to a corner and a smirk took over my face. Without warning I turned on my heels and took off back to the parking lot. I looked back and saw Leah shaking her head but making no attempt to run after me. 

I held up the crab apples I found earlier. This is gonna be epic!

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