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I went downstairs and I saw him a man with a white and green bucket hat, and blond hair. He looked at me with a surprised face and slowly comes walking towards me.

"Are you really here?" I give him a confused face.

"Uh I'm sorry but who are you? The only thing I remember is that my name is Y/N"

"W-what you don't remember who I'm?!"

"No sorry"

"I-I'm your father! Dadza you called me dadza all the time how do you don't remember?!"

"I'm sorry"

"Phil I think it's better if you give Y/N some time for her to think this thought."

I hear another voice but it wasn't the man that says his my father or ghostbur.

It was a guys with long pink hair he had also had glasses.

(I mean in my defense for me he looks better with glasses but is you don't want him wearing them it's fine)

"Have I seen you before?" I said curious

"You have seen all of us before you just don't remember" he sounded cold and tired.


Technos POV:
I was walking around the woods trying to find Y/N's grave when I finally got there.

"Hey princess how are you"

I wait a second no response, why am I even waiting for a response.

"I'm sorry I can't do what I promised Luk and Celeste are not doing well they don't want to come outside they miss you... like I do"

I stay there talking to Y/N for a while when I decided to go back home.

I hear a familiar voice it was Y/N but she looked different.

"I'm sorry but who are you? The only thing that I remember is that my name is Y/N"

"W-what you don't remember who I'm?!"

"No sorry"

I-I'm your father! Dadza you used to call me dadza all the time! How do you don't remember?!"

"I'm sorry"

When I first saw her I wanted to hug her and never let her go but After hearing what she said I don't think I can.

"Phil I think it's better if you give Y/N sometime to her to think this thought" I said

Hello! I know this is getting kinda confusing BUT don't worry I'll make it less complicated in the next chapter anyways.



Anyways drink water and have a good sleep!

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