another update :')

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Harry and I walked silently hand in hand towards the Slytherin common room,the tension in the air was unbearable.I quickly let go of his hand and just as he was about to speak,i offered a explanation to him"sorry about that,it's just that marcus has been bothering me for awhile ever since i rejected him,
and thanks for not breaking the act"

To my surprise,he told me that he didn't mind."No don't be sorry,i'm glad to help.That's what friends are for after all"he smiled at me and took my hand.

The butterflies i felt was intense.I just thanked him and stood there,because my brain seems to freeze when cute boys smiles at me.It doesn't help that his smile is literally so adorable.

After that really long awkward silence that i just can't bear anymore,i cleared my throat and told him that i really needed to go back to my common room,because i still have a lot of homework to do.(nice going Y/N,totally how you make boys fall in love with you)

"Me too actually,i have a herbology essay to complete,a divination chart and on top of that i have a detention with snape at 8pm today,apparently because i sassed him,which i totally did not."he replied.

I giggled,because it just seems so typical of snape to give detention to students because he is such a bitter old man,and although i don't know harry very well,i do know that he and snape are practically enemies.

"When i was in my third year he gave me detention because my boggart of him was him in a dress,which was totally unfair because it isn't my fault." I accidently blurted out.

He laughed,and we just kinda stood there ranting about snape for another 10 more minutes until i came to my senses.

"Shit i'm so sorry i didn't mean to distract you for so long"

"oh that's ok i'm sorry i guess i'll meet you during defence against the dark arts tomorrow"he winked at me.



the chosen one winked at me.

damn butterflies again.

We waved to each other goodbye as i proceeded back to the common room,hoping he didn't see the slight blush that's creeping up my face.

maybe being his soulmate wasn't so bad after all.

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