Hogwarts ahoy

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Finally,September first.

The day I get to go back to my favourite place.Dear old Hogwarts.As I was familiar with how to get to school,my mother just dropped me off at kings cross station.

I checked that everything was in place,closed my eyes and ran into the wall.Despite all the times i ran through that wall,I still flinched a little.Looking at the Scarlett train makes me feel really happy and excited about going back.

I boarded the train and the first thing that greeted me was the shouts of my friends."Y/N loser we're over here!" I smiled at sat down at the compartment Draco,Pansy and Blaise were in. (Let's pretend Blaise and Pansy are dating) "hey Y/N it's nice to see you again" Draco smiled.Draco and I have been dating for a few months but before going back for the summer holidays we had a huge fight and he just seemed like he wasn't happy to be with me.

I smiled and greeted him back,hoping he forgot our fight.Thankfully he has,because he didn't mention it at all.

Pansy and Blaise started teasing me and Draco for being "lovebirds" and it went on and on until we reach the magnificent castle.

Y'all so I'm reading this from like a few weeks later ik it's really cringe rn but it's gonna get better💀

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