idk what to write for the title

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Y/N pov:
My first period was herbology which was in 5 minutes.I don't really mind being late to classes so I decided to go slightly later.I casually glanced at the Gryffindor table and saw Potter with his gang going to whatever class they have.He looked at me and for some reason smiled at me a little. I don't really know what to do because I always thought the Gryffindors hate us Slytherins but I just smiled back.Hey he's kinda cute not gonna lie.

"What are you smiling at him for?" Draco asked with a hint of annoyance."I can't smile at people because I feel like it? Grow the hell up" I retorted.

I went to Herbology alone because I just can't stand Draco sometimes,he is controlling.Last year when Marcus was asking me help for our divination homework Draco jinxed him with the jelly legs curse all because he thought Marcus was going to "steal" me from him.

As  I arrived at the greenhouse,I heard hurried  footsteps behind me.I turned around and saw Draco running towards me with Pansy and Blaise a few meters behind him.

"Hey Y/N please forgive I didn't mean to get jealous...I'm sorry please it's just potter and I aren't on good terms and I don't want him to steal my girlfriend."

Hearing that should have made me feel better but instead I felt angrier at him.

"First of all I'm not an 'object' that can be stolen or anything,stop being controlling,second of all I don't give a flying shit about you and potter.Just because you are enemies does not mean I couldn't talk to him.Third of all,I'm breaking up with you.This happened too many times and I don't like you treating me like your pet or something."

With that being said,I marched off to the greenhouses.

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