Chapter Five

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Ashur and Ning'er were laughing and talking as they walked through glory city, Ashur was at gold 3 star while Ning'er was at the peak of bronze, about to break through to silver. But just like everywhere else, everything good must come to an end.

This was the final day and the day when Ashur had to leave. He had already waved and started heading out when he heard Ning'er call him, but when he turned around, he felt a pair of warm lips press against his.

"That was my first kiss so you better be careful and come back safe, okay?" She hugged him

"Hahaha, yes m'am!" He out his hands on her waist and they hugged a long time until Ashur had to leave, "I'll be safe!" Shouted Ashur as he started getting smaller and farther until Ning'er couldn't see him anymore.

So far it's been a week since Ash left glory city, his cultivation is already black gold 1 star. This was the day he reached the heavenly fate plateau. He had noticed everyone's tattered clothing and knew immediately where he was, he didn't need to take a rest here but decided to anyways, "or else Nie Li will be left in the dust, by now he's probably given the 60 or something ways to use lavender grass, little did he know there were 42 more that he missed or he could also be at the ancient orchid city ruins getting the shadow devil lamp..How could I forget?! Demon beasts! Of course! Not only that, my technique allows me infuse with any demon beast but. I. Didn't. Because. I'm. So. Stupid!! Argh! I hate myself, okay, calm down, let's just find a room to sleep in"

He's staying at the best room you could find at the inn, he was meditating, this time fully focusing on it...

Black gold 2 star

Black gold 3 star

Black gold 4 star

"Phew, it's getting late I should sleep."

He plopped on his bed and caught up on the sleep he desperately needed.

He awoke early and didn't waste time and took a small shortcut through the black swamp, he had already gotten pills to breathe in the poisonous air in there, once there, he started to try to form wings, it took some time but he succeeded and flew over the dangerous swamp.

But the real swamp wasn't there but deeper into the forest of dead trees, there was a huge cliff leading to complete darkness, luckily there were some man made platforms for people to walk on, although, even Ash doesn't know who built these.

He slowly flew down to the platforms and saw one, the only one actually, that had runes on it, he was perplexed by the runes, he didn't know how to decipher them yet but tried to.

After a couple hours he finally figured out how to and deciphered the runes.

Two giant pieces of rock moved the self to create an entrance, it was dark and hard to see, so Ash created a fire in his hand and looked around

Waking deeper in, there were even more defensive ruins, it looks like it's protecting the source of the black spring, this is definitely where Yu Yan stayed.

But he remembered that there were skeletons somewhere else in the cave and that they had treasures he could take.

He eventually found the six corpses, surrounded by legend rank armour and weapons which he could repair and use it in battle.

He managed to take a full set of armour, two swords, and a double sided spear which when repaired can be used, but before that, he took the six spatial rings found on the ground and put everything in there, deciding to look more throughoutly once he gets to Yu Yan, but before he left, he felt a strange piece of energy that hasn't been found, not even by Nie Li.

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