Chapter Two

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The village's or should I say the city's name is called Glory City, they think they are the last standing city in the world, oh how foolish they were.

He couldn't enter the town like how he was and be treated normally, he got some fur from beating up a normal wolf and decided to use it to hide himself for now. He grabbed some extra to sell.

The entrance was okay, at least better than some other places, the city was hard to reach but definitely worth it. He sold the pieces of fur which were barely enough for some normal clothes, which he put on and headed straight to the training grounds. Not only did he have map of every part of every realm, he had a map of individual cities and villages as well. He quickly entered it and looked for a horned sheep, he once again surrounded his soul force around his hand to form a blade and easily stabbed the sheep right between the eyes, not hurting any part of it that was valuable, he easily hunted them and sold them until he had a reasonable amount of demon spirit coins, it didn't even take long, just one day.

He grabbed a hotel room and meditated for a couple more hours

Silver 1 star

Silver 2 star

Silver 3 star

He stopped and went to sleep. Once awoken, he went to the blacksmith's, "How can I help ya, young lad?" Said the old grey bearded man with his gravel-like voice.

"Could I watch you do your thing?" Replied Ashur.

"Well, I suppose so" the blacksmith turned around and started hammering the red piece of metal "Weird kid" whispered the blacksmith under his breath.

15 minutes later later

Ashur left the tailoring shop, just by observing he has learned how to blacksmith and sew. (One of his talents mentioned in the floating text box)

"This city is bori-" Ashur stopped himself in his track once he saw a familiar face walking around, the usual orange headed fool, it was Nie Li! He thought that by the time he has come to this world Nie Li had already become older, but he's right there talking to one of his friends, "If I befriend him, not only will I be able to steal his girls under his nose, I'll be able to get all the stuff he did, maybe even steal a part of the shadow beast he got in the ancient orchid city ruins." Ashur thought to himself.

Nie Li was heading to class, he needs to enroll in the academy fast if he doesn't want to miss out on being one of the first people to join him. But before that, he thought, 'Wait, I don't have to join the class, he's going to visit the library later so I can just meet him there"

Nie Li then challenged the teacher and stood in the corner like usual. Then Ashur thought to himself again, "Wait, why do I care about Nie Li? I can just take all the beauties from him, I'll leave the purple head to him, even though he's much weaker than me, I don't want to compete with him, I'll just take Ning'er, talking of which, she should in the training area at midnight, Nie Li will start hunting very soon, possibly tomorrow or after tomorrow if my memory serves me correct. 

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