Chapter Three

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The following night, Ashur entered the training grounds and went to the place where Ning'er is supposed to be and he was right, she was standing in a clear field just like he predicted.

'Holy-she is so hot, I wonder how she will look when she gets older." he dusted off his clothes and walked towards her.

She turned around as soon as she felt a random soul force near her, she was in a defensive stance, pointing her dagger at Ashur

"Ah, don't worry, I just recently enrolled in the same academy as you, my parents died from the monster beasts and left me all alone, I almost starved to death, if not for the chance god has given me through cultivation, I'd be dead by now" he just made up some bull on the spot, to try to get closer to Ning'er

"Right, my name is Ashur, could I know yours?" He acted as if he was a little depressed.

"Oh uh,m-my name is Xiao Ning'er, I'm sorry to hear about your parents.." she lowered the dagger but still had her guard up a little, she couldn't fully trust Ashur, even if he is a classmate.

"Hm? Is that a bruise on your ankle, it looks a bit weird, I feel like I've seen that before.."

"Wait really?! Do you know how to treat it? If so, could you please help me? I swear I'll do.." she gulps, "anything..anything you'll ask me.." she seemed really embarrassed about asking him this and was blushing but she tried to look to the side to avoid getting seen.

"Of course! It's no problem, I'll just need to massage it, is that okay?"

"Oh, uhm, yes it is, just please help me." She was still blushing but she sat down so it'd be more comfortable to give the massage

Ashur smiled and started massaging the foot the same way Nie Li would when he was treating Ning'er

Once she calmed herself down and looked at Ashur, he was really beautiful, probably more beautiful than any boy she had ever seen, 'What am I thinking about?? He's just a person helping me and I'll just repay him by..doing...whatever..h-h-he wants..' she blushed even more

While Ashur couldn't read minds, he still knew what she was thinking about, and he chuckled about it silently too. Once he finished massaging the foot he said something that shocked Ning'er, "While I was massaging your foot, I could feel that there's another bruise in an, uh, uncomfortable spot, do you mind if I could massage it? Just know I'm trying to help you and never take advantage"

Ning'er seemed, that wasn't the right word, she was nervous, now being almost as red as a tomato. She muttered the word, "yes.." and slowly took off her clothes, only leaving her pink bra to cover her top.

He slowly started to massage her side, on one of the ribs, it was a very dark spot and probably the main thing causing her pain.

Ashur felt sad for her, but he quickly took care of the problem so it was all fine, "It seems like your cultivation technique is causing you the pain and bruises, not only that, if you continue using this technique until you get to bronze rank, you will die.."

"Eh? Really?? A technique can cause something like that? Can you fix it?"

"Well I can't fix the technique but.." a blue flame appeared on the top of his index finger and he slowly moved it towards her forehead

She trusted him and closed her eyes, letting him touch her forehead, but as if seeming nowhere a new wind lightning technique entered her mind.

The Heaven Controlling technique

If trained to the max level, it allows the user to control the clouds in heaven and possibly even rule it.

"W-wait, I can't just take this from you, it's too precious!" She was not wrong, even if all the treasures and techniques in glory city were combined, it wouldn't even come close to touching this technique

"Well, it's already in your head so..I can't really do anything about that, but if you want to repay me, you can maybe take me on a date?" He grinned and softly stared at her


"I am new to this city after all, wouldn't it be nice if you guided me around here, I don't know anything about this place after all" that was a complete lie

"O-oh, yeah, no problem" she smiled but she couldn't help feeling a bit..sad?

"And talking about being around here, I'll have to leave in a month, I need to visit some places"

"Alright, I guess it's great, but, are you going to come back?"

"Yes, of course I am! But that's later, now take this recipe and drink the medicine every day, and come to this place every two days so I can heal your wounds, by the time I'll leave, they'll be gone" he grinned and gave a thumbs up.

She couldn't help and smiled back, sitting back while Ashur decided to start meditating.

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