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"This is so weird," Lucy commented as Fairy Tail snuck behind the future Sabertooth.

They made sure to keep their distance so as to not blow their cover. Curiosity and excitement danced around them as their imaginations went wild.

"I bet I'm the strongest member of Fairy Tail now!" Natsu shouted.

Kenai's ears perked up and he quickly turned around to find the source of the noise, but he couldn't see anything, so he shrugged and jogged to keep up with his father. Lucy scolded Natsu, telling him that he shouldn't shout when they're trying to remain undiscovered. His energy never left, and he quickly inched closer to them.

"So," Kenai teased, "are you gonna go and try to impress Bruce again?"

"Of course not. Unlike you, I know how to act in serious situations. This isn't a time to fool around."

"Aw come on, Rash. Lighten up a little. We're all gonna die anyway, so you might as well have some fun."

"You idiot!" The black haired girl screamed. "If Uncle Sting hears you you'll never escape from his punishments."

As if on cue, Kenai was called up to the front where the Sabertooth master stood. He grabbed Kenai by the back of his neck and gave him a stern look. They stared at each other for a minute before Sting raised his eyebrow at his son. Kenai nodded stiffly, and he was let go a second later. The young blond fell back so Rasha could catch up to him and sighed loudly.

"Told you," she smugly stated.

The Sabertooth group reached a wide divide in the plains. Rufus used his Memory Make magic to create a bridge for them to cross, and they quickly did so. Fairy Tail rushed across the bridge just in time for it to vanish. Sting stopped walking and turned to face the group.

"We're entering Eastern Ishgar. Be aware and be careful. The master said that they've been able to hold the center portions fairly well, but the outer ends are where they're having trouble. Be prepared for an ambush. If that happens, the children will be the priority for protection. Good?"

Everyone nodded and continued to follow him. About fifteen minutes later, the group froze. Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel also froze.

Wendy began, "That sounds like..."

"A dragon!" Natsu shouted.

They all looked up to see a large green dragon circling above the group. It lunged down suddenly, but Sabertooth was prepared. Sting cast his Holy Ray, which pierced the dragon's scales and knocked it back. The white dragon slayer stood protectively in front of the group as he stared the dragon down.

"Foolish humans," the dragon spoke.

"Move," was all Sting said.

The dragon howled with laughter, the ground shaking violently as it landed. Sting's eye hardened and he spoke to the group without breaking eye contact with the dragon.


Yukino started to step forward when Sting raised his arm, his hand glowing white.

"Go, Yukino."

She pressed her lips together before grabbing Kenai from the back of his shirt and dragging him away.

"Wha--mom! I wanna help!"

"Rasha," Rogue calmly started, "go with Yukino and the others. Stay close to them."

Rasha nodded and silently followed the group further east. Rogue approached Sting and the dragon, causing Sting to speak again.

Time of Dragons (Natsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now