Jagged little tapestry

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"Welcome, everyone, to our very first Glee Club rehearsal." Rachel smiled, as she and Kurt walked into the choir room. "First, I would like to welcome back our distinguished alumni who have so graciously agreed to stay an extra week. So, thank you, thank you, thank you."

At that, everyone clapped, looking around and smiling, noticing that everyone that had come the week before had decided to stay a little longer. The alumni were all happy to be there, together still, but the current students were a bit more... Confused.

"Yeah, how exactly are you guys doing that?" Jane asked, as Brittany shrugged.

"Oh, I can bend time and space with my mind." She said, causing Jane to frown in confusion as Piper just giggled.

"Okay!" Rachel spoke up, before the awkwardness could grow. "So, as you very well have heard, the glee club has a grand and glorious tradition of starting each week with a lesson where we explore every musical genre under the sun."

"But mostly Katy Perry and show tunes." Quinn said, as Piper nodded from beside her.

"Not this week." Kurt smirked, clearly proud of himself. "Rachel and I are extremely excited to kick off this week's lesson with our..."

"First musical lesson, Jagged Little Tapestry." Rachel interrupted her friend as Kurt glared at her quietly.

"Oh, look, finally some songs about Rachel's hair extensions." Santana smirked.

"Now, as you can clearly see, we've combined the titles of these two iconic albums..." Rachel continued, deciding to ignore Santana's tease. "Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill."

"Which is celebrating its 20th-year anniversary." Kurt spoke up, as the two young adults clearly fought for the attention of the kids. "And Carole King's Tapestry.

"That-that's my favorite." Rachel said. "So these two iconic albums are sort of like chocolate and peanut butter. Both..."

"Or peanut butter and jelly." Kurt interrupted again, as Piper frowned a bit, embarrassed for the two of them.

"Okay, they're both different but amazing." Rachel continued. "You know, you could say that they're sort of like the Reese's Pieces of music."

"Or, if you don't like Reese's Pieces, you could name another candy of your choice." Kurt added, as Piper snorted a quiet laugh at the silence that followed his comment. "Well, Carole King's Tapestry is... You know, it's easy and informal, like you're getting a cup of coffee with an old friend."

"Team Carole." Mason and Madison high-fived one another.

"Good choice." Rachel nodded. "Okay, and Alanis is different. You know, she's edgy and dark... Angry."

"Team Alanis." Tina spoke up, nudging Jane and Rodrick playfully.

"Yeah, and this is why we wanted it to be your first lesson." Kurt said. "Because, like Alanis and Carole, you can look at every situation from two different points of view, you know? It's about combining..."

"I think what Kurt is trying to say is that it's about working together and using this lesson to grow as a team." Rachel said, as Kurt turned to her with a glare.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused." Jane frowned a bit. "What is it exactly you want us to do?"

"Just sit and smile like I did for three years." Tina mumbled quietly.

"So, our weekly lesson is to find a partner that has a different style than you and work together to mash up an Alanis and a Carole song." Rachel explained. "Kurt and I will demonstrate... Probably tomorrow?"

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