Prologue: Home

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A/N: The new book is here! And to help situate you all a bit on how Piper and Quinn's life has been in New Haven, here's a little prologue for you! It's short, but I hope you enjoy it! The daily posts should start on Friday, but I wanted to give you a little something before that, so, here it is! Also, quick little heads up - I won't be writing for all the episodes in season 4, 5 and 6, only for the ones I feel like add to the story, I'm sorry!

Quinn breathed out in relief as soon as she stepped foot in her apartment. Pulling out her coat and throwing her bag to the side, Quinn walked into the kitchen and grabbed herself a glass of water before walking around the house in search of her girlfriend. Considering she wasn't in the living room or in their bedroom, Quinn knew she was in the extra bedroom and so, pushing the door open, Quinn smiled as soon as she saw Piper.

She was in her natural habitat: her brown hair pulled up in a bun as she wore some short shorts and a big, old t-shirt over it — probably one of her dad's. She was covered in paint as she sat in front of a new canvas, working in silence and, as soon as she appeared by the door, Elvis jumped off from Piper's lap to walk over to her instead.

"Oh, you're home, already?" Piper asked then, spinning around in her stool so she was facing her girlfriend instead. "How was your day?"

Quinn smiled, picking up their black kitten in her arms as she placed her empty glass of water on a desk nearby as she walked toward Piper instead.

"It was good." Quinn said, as she gave Elvis back to Piper and the brunette smiled as Quinn tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear before leaning down to place a kiss to her lips. "How do you make such a mess when you're painting?"

Piper shrugged then, keeping her eyes on Quinn as the blonde brushed her thumb over a stain of paint across Piper's cheek.

"Is all part of the process." She joked, turning back around to her canvas as Quinn wrapped her arms around Piper's neck and leaned over her to look at her half-done painting.

"Uhum." She hummed in contentment. "And are you processing?"

"It's the lake back in Lima." Piper shrugged. "I started off painting landscapes. I just wanted something a bit... Familiar, you know?"

At that, Quinn frowned a bit.

"Do you miss it?" She asked, as Piper turned her face a bit so her nose was pressed against Quinn's cheek. "Home?"

"I miss Lima." Piper admitted. "I mean, before going to New York with the glee club I had never even left the city. But I don't miss home. Because my home is here. My home is wherever you are."

"Really?" Quinn asked, blushing a bit as Piper giggled.

"Really." She assured, standing up from her stool and placing Elvis down on the floor and grabbing Quinn's hand in hers as she guided the two of them into the kitchen. "Now, let's get started on dinner because you had a long day at college, didn't you? I mean, how was your presentation today? Did Bethany help at all?"

"Oh, don't even get me started on Bethany." Quinn groaned dramatically as Piper laughed. "I swear to God I'm gonna kill her someday."

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