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"Yeah, I promise I'll be there soon. Yes. Yes. Yes, oh my God, I'm saying I will, okay? Chill. I'll be there tomorrow. Yeah, okay, bye."

Rolling her eyes with a smile, Piper finally hung up the call, turning around just in time to see Quinn walking into the room.

"You okay there, angel?" Quinn smirked a bit when Piper groaned quietly, flopping back dramatically in their bed as Quinn walked over to her. "What happened?"

"Blaine just called." Piper responded, as Quinn laid down beside her girlfriend in the same position she was so the two girls were laying next to each other, across the bed and staring at the ceiling as they talked. "He says Sam needs an intervention and he wants me to head there for a few days to help him out."

"Really?" Quinn chuckled quietly, wrapping her pinky around Piper's while keeping her eyes up to the ceiling. "Because I just got out of the phone with Kurt and he said he thinks Rachel needs an intervention and he wants me to head there to help him out."

"No way." Piper giggled as she turned her head to the side so she was looking at Quinn, who did the same back at her.

"It's true." She said.

"Well, are you heading to New York, then?" Piper asked as Quinn nodded.

"Tomorrow morning." She said. "Kurt said Santana is going too, so we might go shopping together while we're there."

"Cool." Piper nodded. "I'm going later today, so I can get there at night. I'll be staying a few days with my dad too."

"Okay." Quinn smiled, sitting up in their bed as she turned back to look at Piper. "Need any help packing?"

"You're free now?" She asked, as Quinn nodded.

"Just finished my last paper." She said, causing the brunette to smile as she stood up from the bed.

"Come on, then." She grabbed Quinn by the hand as she pulled her up to her feet. "Let's get to packing."


Quinn did feel kind of weird standing with Santana at Kurt and Rachel's apartment without either of them around, but, considering it had been Kurt himself the one to open the door for them, she supposed it was okay. Besides, she hadn't even been in there for that long when the two girls heard Rachel talking already from the outside.

"Kurt, the hipster from downstairs with the curlicue mustache wants to borrow your Russian hat!" She yelled, before gasping as soon as she pulled open the door. "Oh, my God! What are you doing here?"

"Lady Hummel called, begging us to do an emergency intervention." Santana said, as the three girls smiled at one another.

"On who?" Rachel asked.

"You." Quinn said, as Rachel frowned.

"Me?" She asked, moving to the couch so she could sit down as Quinn and Santana exchanged a look before sitting in a few chairs in front of her. "You guys came all the way to New York just to talk to me because Kurt called you?"

"We're also here to shop." Santana said, as Quinn nodded.

"We heard the Victoria's Secret store in the 5th is on sale." She said, nodding at Santana before turning back to Rachel and getting the conversation back on track. "Rachel, you cannot do a nude scene."

"It's not a nude scene, it's just a topless scene." Rachel argued as Santana shook her head.

"Same thing." She said. "Topless is as nude as anyone is ever gonna want to see you."

Picture Perfect - Book 4 - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now