(present) 100 years later

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I smiled at the memory of how Blix and I met, even as kids we knew from then on that we would not be apart. That we had each other's back no matter what, that we can trust one another. So with that on my mind, I decided that I was going to tell Blixer of my plan that I have been planning since I was younger.

 Something to possibly better the future for us both, to survive longer. With a skip in my step, I searched for him amongst the shapes in this town. Hoping to see the great Blix among them, but soon enough I could not find him anywhere to be found. I became a bit worried knowing how he liked to cause trouble, or how it always found him.

After what felt like hours, and with my heart pumping with worry. I finally noticed the little devil near the outskirts of town, right near our tree. I quickly ran over towards him, only to notice that he was not alone. There were two other shapes with him, both I recognized as Minkino and Zaper. Two well known bullies to me as well as pains in the butt, my smile dropped seeing the two. I noticed that they were laughing with Blixer, so at least I knew he was okay.

Once I got close enough, Blixer looked my way. I then watched as his smile grew, while the other two frowned.

"Hey Sheila, finally you came around. I have a question for you" Blixer said as I got excited.

"Oh really, that's funny cause I had a question for you too" I said as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Are you sure you want to ask her Blixer, we came to you cause we know you are strong. Not like that weakling there" Minkino said as I rolled my eyes.

"yes I want to ask her, she is strong. I have seen her train, she could do it" at this he moved in front of me as he held both of my hands. I felt my heart beat outside of my chest, as my excitement grew.

"what did you want to ask Blix" I questioned as he smiled my way and looked me in the eyes.

"The great Leaders are looking for new recruitments, to help gain control around paradise. They are hoping that if we gain control we can do a full attack on the great tree, not only to uproot it from its power but as well possibly destroy those guardians. So what I'm asking you is that would you join me and possibly become my partner to take over" at his words I felt my heart break. And I could tell he could see the sadness in my eyes, I held his hands tight as I tried to say something but nothing came out.

"Sheila are you okay, your shaking" he asked me as I looked down to see I was in fact shaking."Blix, i..."

"see I told you she was not worth asking, why waste your time on a worthless pink. Go be useful and give up your power" Zaper laughed as Minkino joined in."shut up you two" Blixer snapped as they continued to laugh.

"Come on Blixer, you know it too. She can never be a ruler, heck she cant even corrupt right so why even let her live" Zaper said as I put my head down.

"Blix, do you think you can ask them to leave. I want to talk to you in private please" I softly said as I felt him turn towards the two.

"Get out of here guys, I need some time with Sheila" he snapped as I waited to hear them leave.

"whatever, its not like we lied" Minkino said as he turned away."tell us when your done talking to this trash, we will be close by" Zaper snarky said as he caught up with his friend. I felt Blixer look at me again as I did not move, I felt his hand softly lift up my chine so that I was looking into his eyes.

"what is wrong, are you not happy with the news" at his question I took a deep breath."Blix, you know how I feel about corruption. I don't have the drive like you guys, wanting that control over others as you take their freedom away" I started off as he listened to me.

"Sheila I know that, but that is why I was saying we could partner up together. I could do all the work while keeping you safe, and that way maybe the others wont attack you anymore" His words pierced my heart as I understood what he was saying, but I could not live with myself. Knowing I stood by as lives where taken from innocent shapes, even if they are a different colors.

"Blix, please don't hate me for saying this but I cant. I don't want to be a part of this anymore" I sadly said as I felt his grip tighten on my hands.

"what do you mean, Sheila" he questioned me, I took a deep breath as I just looked away for a second.

"I was actually going to ask you, if you wanted to leave" at my words he let my hands go. I looked back towards him, as I watched his anger over take him.

"Leave, we cant leave Sheila. This is our home, these are our people. We cant just abandon our ancestors that came before us, and leave everything we have worked for, that many have DIED for" he started to yell as I did not flinch.

"this was never my home, from my first day I was told that I was never one of them. That I was useless, a mistake, that my power was the only thing that was worth keeping. I have been planning for many years to leave this place and I was going to do it alone, that was till I met you" I said as he turned his back to me, but I knew he was still listening to me.

"I then saw a future for us, a friendship that could not be broken. You were the first and only one that ever cared for me, so I was going to ask if you wanted to leave with me. Start our own adventure where we did not have to follow rules, ruin lives, it would just be you and me" I finished as I waited for him.I could see him clenching his fist as I knew more yelling was going to happen. He then turned towards me, as I saw the anger in his eyes.

"We would die out there, do you not see that. Life is not always a guarantied happy ending, we would be slaughtered by the great tree's guardians, and you know that. So why take a chance and waste your stupid, useless life on a small chance of survival" he snapped as I realized what he had said, and it hurt.I felt my own hands clench as anger took me over as I tried to control my breathing, I looked down as I felt the tears start to fall.

"I rather die out there to them, then to the rotten shapes of this town. So this is where my last stand shall be to you Blix, I'm leaving soon and I am never coming back. I'm sorry if I have hurt you but I cant be here any longer, and if you choose to stay" I paused for a second.

"know that I'll always be with you, as a friend. Even if I maybe a weak, useless shape to our kind and now maybe to you too" I waited to hear him say anything but nothing was said, so I decided to take that as my leave.

 "Sheila, wait" I heard his voice call out as I stopped walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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