Hi, I'm Sheila and you are....

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Once I had opened them I notice we were on the outskirts of the town, near the small river with a single tree standing. I felt my heart beat rapidly only to finally slow down, my breathing as well. I then remembered that I was not alone when I shifted, I looked to see that our hands where still connected.

 "oh sorry" I told them as I let go, I finally got a better look at the new shape that I had just saved. He looked smaller when he was on the ground, but now that he is standing up he happened to be taller them myself.

His head was a circle with a outer ring of pink and the inside being black. He had two small horns that sort of looked like ears. His arms were spiked circles as they connected to bigger hands that looked almost like paws. He wore a now torn shirt with ripped black jeans. He had one eye as well as two small fangs that stuck out, I then noticed that he was looking at me.

We stood there for a while till I decided that I would break the silence, I placed my hands behind my back.

"my name is Sheila, sorry about those bullies. I'm sure...."

"I could have taken care of them, before you stepped in" he snapped as I was caught off guard by the sharpness of his voice, but it was nothing new to me.

"Of course you would have, sorry for stepping in. Are you new here, I have never seen you around before" I asked only to get no answer but a grumble from him.

"Well, I guess I should be on my way. Maybe we could get to know each other in the near future. I was nice sort of meeting you" at my last words I turned and started to make my way into the river.

"isn't town the other way" I heard his voice call out as I looked back to him. I shrugged my shoulder as I stopped and sat in the water, I them placed my bandaged arm in the coolness allowing the water to soak the fabric.

"Yes it is but, Id rather take care of my own wounds before going back for new ones" I told him as I could tell he was confused.

"what are you taking about" as he said this I was already taking off my sweater. I had bandages wrapped around my torso from the recent attacks as well some scars that shown through.

I tossed my soaked sweater to the side as I unwrapped my arm allowing the water to take the bandage down the river. At this I finally took a deep breath and laid in the water, with my head just above the surface.

"so your just going to stay in the river, why" he questioned as I looked over to now see his sitting on the edge looking at me.

"this river flows through-out the world in which all connects to the great tree. I believe that it has healing powers, so I come here to relax and sort of feel closer to the tree" I spoke out as I closed my eyes.

"That's dumb, isn't the tree evil or something" I heard him say as I only smirked and shook my head no. Soon I heard the splash of water, I slightly looked over to see the shape now in the water sitting next to me. He struggled to get his shirt off, so I giggled at his attempt.

 "shut up" he snapped as I kept smiling, soon enough he got it off and threw it next to my own sweater.

"now what" he asked as I laughed again, and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"just lay down, idiot" I said only to see him get angry, he looked like he was about to say something back only to breath out in frustration and fall into the water. This caused a small wave to flow over my head, I quickly closed my eyes and sat up coughing.

At my fit I could hear laughter come from him, I looked over to see him laying down smiling. That's when I smirked towards the shape, his eyes widened as if he knew what was about to happen.

"wait Sheila don't..." before he could finish his sentence I quickly laid back down, allowing a wave to hit him. It was now his turn to cough, as I laughed really hard. Soon I sat back up as he finally stopped coughing only to stare at me.I did not look at him as I stared ahead of us, I guess he noticed this only to look ahead with me.

"Blixer" he suddenly said as he broke me from my thoughts.

"pardon me" I asked only to see his eyes roll, he then looked at me.

"my name is Blixer" he repeated. A smile appeared on my lips as I felt happiness over take me. Without even asking, I hugged him from the side. I could feel him freeze at the sudden touch, and I could not blame him for it, as our kind does not show kindness for each other.I was expecting to be pushed off instantly but to my surprised I felt and arm go around me.

"Thanks Blixer" I told him as he grunted, with this I knew we would be friends. Possibly more, who knew what the future would hold for us.

Queen Sheila (jsab)Where stories live. Discover now