I'm not alone anymore

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(present day)

"stupid Cryptic, that's the third time today. Cant he get it through his thick skull, that I'm not going down" I grumbled as I wrapped my arm in a fresh new bandage, I took noticed that my wounds were already seeping through.

I sighed as I took whatever bandage I had left and placed it on the deep cut that laid across my cheek.

"That one may scar" I told myself as the pain intensified at the fabric touching it. I quickly made my way around shapes, wanting no attention turned towards me. I was trying to make it to the outskirts of the town so that I maybe alone.

"wow what a weakling" a voice caught my attention as I stopped, I looked towards where I thought the voice came from, expecting to see the shape looking at me, but to my surprise there was no one.

"worthless pink" another shouted, at this I booked it to where the shouting was coming from. I swiftly moved through the crowed only to come across three much bigger pinks, surrounding a smaller shape who laid on the ground.

I slowly walked up to them as their words became louder, I could see the smaller shape becoming angry as his head lifted up to look towards the three bullies.

"Leave me alone before I make you pay" he said angerly as he tried to take a swing at one, only to see them back up to avoid the attack. I watched the bully slammed their foot onto the top of his head, I flinched at the hit knowing to well on how that felt.

"all the threats but nothing to show, haha lets finish this one off boys" at these words I quickly took action. I shifted my body forward as I appeared in front of the three, surprising them. They took a step back only to realize who I was, at this their smiles returned.

"well well well, I am not surprised. Of course the weak would protect each other. What do you think you are doing Sheila, here for your next beating" he said as he cracked his knuckles, I took a deep breath as I stepped backwards.

This gave them the idea that I was stepping away, suddenly they charged without a second thought.I smiled as I swing my body around allowing a power to come from my kick, this caused all three of them to get hit by the force. They flew back as they landed hard on the ground. I quickly took this opportunity and offered my hand down towards the smaller pink shape.

"quickly take my hand, we don't have much time. They wont stay down for long" I softy told him as he looked at my hand.

"I'm not joking, do you want to live or not" I shouted only to finally feel my hand get grabbed. And just in time to, the three had gotten up and looked straight into my own eyes.

"Big mistake Sheila" one said as he spat out some blood, I swallowed and waited for the wounded shape to stand. Once he was up I looked at him, and smiled.

"lets get out of here" I calmly said as I noticed his eyes widened from looking behind me. I knew what was happening as I felt the three run closer, I closed my eyes and felt myself shift before the one bullies hand was about to grab my shoulder.

Queen Sheila (jsab)Where stories live. Discover now