Step 8: Role model

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"The greatest motivation of becoming a better man is knowing that someone is looking up to you."

This is something I've been wanting to write as I am still young.

Yes, being almost 19 years old is still young. Don't come at me.


Well, where do I start?...

Let's face it. The majority of us used to brag about our father's success when we were younger and some still do it, right?

Like my friends used to tell me,

"My father can lift an elephant up!"

"No way! My dad is cooler! He can lift an elephant up and drink whiskey at the same time!"

Hahaha. Ah those memories.

Mates, I wish we could turn back time again. Don't you too?

Sadly, that's not how the world works. We keep moving forward and before we even know it, our time runs out.

One day we will all disappear...

My father is a man I always took as a role model. He is a very ambitious man and a gentleman.

To be frank, I wouldn't stand a chance against him. He is a rarity who was the definition of a badass.

He showed me all his high school and college records. From all subjects to the sports activities.  Always ranked on the top and known by a lot of people.

I admire him a lot. He has achieved recognition and respect.

Now I know why I used to be a cooky little brat, hahaha. Always bragging about him and following his steps.

Every movement he did, may it be walking with his hands in his pocket, I would do the same thing beside him.

Besides teaching me all kinds of things in life,my father has taught me how a Lady should be treated right and people in general.

As I grew older, I realized that a lot of people forget where they come from. This is why I am writing this now.

Gentlemen, if you want a son/ your sons to grow up into a man you can be proud of. Be a man he can be proud of.

1. Know that you're his/her role model:

It's been psychological proven that children observe the way parents behave towards others and how they react in certain ways.

As they grow older they copy those actions and behaviors, without noticing it themselves. Most of the adults look for partners who resemble their mother or fathers too.

Don't be surprised if your daughter suddenly brings a man home who seems abusive. The high chances are that she has seen a resemblance between you two.

Children learn a lot faster as they are curious for everything.

So make sure to value those aspects as you're raising your child.

Show your child how much you love your wife.

Not in a dirty way of course hahaha.

But in a lovely and genuine way. Make her smile and happy, as it makes your child happy too.

This way your sons know how to treat women right and let your daughter know how to be treated in the future.

When you're with your children, teach them how you treat people. Shake their hands, open and hold doors, offer seats, say "Please" and "Thank yous", how to treat people who are poor and people who are rich and ignorant.

These simple manners are best when taught at a young age. This is a huge step to their up bringing, which a lot fail to teach.

Sometimes it's the child who drifts away too at a certain age,due to wrong influence by wrong mates. I get that,but you as a parent have to bring them back in track.

Not in a controllative way, but in a mature way and by rationally talking to them as if they are adults. Even when you're mad at them, treat you with respect and manners.

2. Don't blame your child or scold them, more like elaborate what they did wrong:

Your child is new to what comes to life. It is very important to explain what they did wrong, rather than scolding and causing physical harm to them.

Sometimes you have to get angry, when they don't take you serious. But afterwards go back to your child after giving him/her space and try to make them happy again.

They need to learn what is right and wrong in the most mannered way. And if you have to do it the hard way, then so shall it be.

3. Support them:

Don't expect your child to meet your expectations. It is his/her life and you have to understand that. You can try talking them off when you believe it could harm them and not your family status.

He/ she is your child and you should know him/her best.

4. Spend time together:

No matter how long your break it from work or your home chores, it is important to spend some time together.

Read them a book for bed time, go shopping, go to the park and more.

Your child needs you the most, even if you don't think so.

All these little things should be put as a reminder, until they grow up.

It is your duty as a parent to teach your children and advise them through life. Don't neglect them and think up bringing is a burden/ waste of time, because it is not.

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