Step 1: Respect

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A Gentleman never has to tell anyone he is a Gentleman.

He does so by his actions.

To be respectful does not mean being weak.

In order to gain respect and recognition, you have to work for it.

The way you treat people will always remain in their memory and if you want that memory to last, you should always be humble.

Treat everyone equally, make them feel safe around you and always be a little extra.

Giving respect is the easiest and fastest way to gain respect.

Women say all men are the same, but a Gentleman proves her wrong.

There's a reason why it's called Gentleman and not Gentle-boy.

Boys seek for attention, since it makes them feel tough and important.

But a true Gentleman never trades respect for attention.

Once you've tasted respect, it's a whole different league than attention.

The next time you walk into a room Gentleman, make sure to greet and show them what kind of man you are.

Let me show you things that are self-evident but mostly forgotten as we are set in a situation.

-Step 1: Respect

I'm going to add a few steps on how to use respect in your actions.

1. Language:

This is one of the most common mistake the majority of man do. They forget how to use formal language, when they're not in the mood or when they feel provoked.

Gentlemen, I kindly advice you to take a few moments and think of the words/slangs you've been using frequently in your mouth.

Do they really sound good?

Isn't it kind of offensive and vulgar?

How would you like it if strangers spoke to you or your family that way?

Do you see what I mean? It's not very adequate.

I know it is hard since we are in a generation where slangs and curse words are trendy, since I am still young myself.

However, try taming your tongue a little more and avoid as swear words as much as possible.

Expand your vocabulary instead of swear words!

Bonus point: Nothing is much more seductive than a man who knows how to use words right and create phrases with them.

You will see an instant change on how people start to perceive and how they behave towards you.

You will stand out by that simple trick and may be an inspiration.

Don't degrade the people's and your dignity over what appears to be harmless for you.

2. Body Language:

Since we're talking about language, we might as well add the body language.

Body movements, gestures and signals give you the emotion behind words.

So make sure not to forget about how you move while you talk.

Reach out your hand as you welcome that person. In most cultures it is a greeting while other's consider it as a threat.

Some cultures have it differently and therefore, inform yourself first before you make a mistake if you're in a specific country.

Stand tall, keep your posture straight and point your shoes at the person as you stand. It has a psychological effect that by doing so, you want to talk to that person and makes them feel much more comfortable around you.

Don't slouch, don't put your hands in your pockets, remove your hat/hoodie when you enter a room and don't cross your arms. Those are negative signs and don't really show respect as you talk to the person. It signals them that you would rather walk away than talk to them.

Of course it's understandable that you'd automatically do so, when you're nervous. Yet that could give them false informations and make you screw up even more.

Instead breath in, stand on your ground and smile.

You're good enough to hold a conversation.

Don't worry about anything and show them who you are.

3. Manners

Don't forget to use your Thank yous and You're Welcomes!

I'm certain every parent has taught you those words, before you could even walk.

Therefore, show the world how you were raised like and use them.

Don't talk to quiet nor too loudly. Speak in a soothing way instead. Let the calming side of yours become a weapon.

Something I really despise nowadays is seeing young men sitting on the bench, spitting on the ground, blasting loud music and harassing strangers with their mates.

For instance Cat call women they find alluring. It's not very man-like to approach a woman that way.

If you want to have someone's attention, be yourself and walk towards them.

Don't sweat your butt and be a show off.

If you're manly enough to yell nasty words out loud, where are your balls to talk to them in private at?

Answer me that.

Sometimes I wonder, if that's how they were raised like and if their parents are proud of them?

Aren't they embarrassed of their action?

Don't be like them.

I will add more information about Manners, like dining etiquette in another whole chapter. I think it deserves it's own page.

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