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Lauren's POV:

I sat on the edge of the couch, impatiently tapping my foot on the wodden floors while constantly look at my watch every second.

It's been a solid two hours since Y/N left for her mission.

She usually only takes an hour so I couldn't help but become anxious.

I rested my chin on the palm of my hand as the smell of Chick-fil-a clouded my nose.

They ran out of the star ingredient of Y/N's favorite Burrito and Burrito bowl so I gave up on Chipotle and decided to get her second favorite fast food place.

"Oh fuck this! I'm sending a search party. Y'all suit up!" I yelled out to my crew, standing up from my spot on the couch.

"What's going on Boss? Why do we have to Suit up?" Madison asked, coming down the stairs with Halsey who was too invested into her own phone.

I couldn't help but glare at Madison as she came down the stairs and we locked eyes.

Who the hell does she think she is? Has the audacity to flirt with Y/N right in my face and act fucking clueless. I don't wanna talk to her.

I scoffed at her while getting ready to walk past her.

"You stay here. You're not needed." I said, not even realizing how much venom was in my voice.

This made Halsey look up from her phone and eye us both.

"What's with the attitude Lauren? We were cool a couple days ago, what's going on? Did I do something to upset you or..." Madison asked, clearly getting uncomfortable at how cold I was acting.

"Keep acting clueless, that isn't going to get you anywhere. And all I said was stay here Beer. You're free to protest but that was an order." I said stepping up to her.

We were literally the same height but my stare was more intimidating than her's, and she looked genuinely scared.

"Look Lauren. I don't like the fact that you're mad. If it was something I did I'm sorry but can you at least talk to me so-" Madison tried to reason while taking a step back but Nas came over to us and Separated us farther than we already were.

"Not cool Lauren. That's not how we deal with problems in this crew. You should know you were the one who made the rules." Nas said looking down at me in confusion and disappointment.

Before I could answer I heard everyone else come into the living room.

"Ooooo! The girls are fighting!!!" Trevor and Kehlani yelled while helping themselves to the perfectly organized food on the counter.

I didn't even get a chance to explain myself OR confront them before everyone heard Ariana groan loudly in the Kitchen.

"WHO THE HELL ATE ALL OF MY STRAWBERRIES?!" She screamed, walking into the living room at the exact same time as Zendaya who was coming from the basement, a small plastic bowl in her hand.

"Wait those were your's?" Z asked, putting her hand over her mouth.

"Seriously Zendaya?! I ordered those strawberries straight from Paris! Freshly picked and everything! I've only had one and I was saving them for my self care day, WHICH IS TODAY! Those cost me a fortune!" Ariana yelled.

"Oh shit! My bad Ari. When Y/N brings home more money I'll pay you back. How much were they? Zendaya asked, going to put the bowl in the sink.

"$700" Ariana deadpanned making Zendaya choke on her own spit.

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