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Y/N's POV:

"What the fuck are you doing here?! You dare to show yourself after you robbed me and didn't even finish the Job?! You're gonna regret coming here." Brian said before each and every person in the room pulled out a pistol.

Wait is it Brooke? Damn I already forgot the name.

"Nah fam, you goin regret messin wit me in da first place. Lauren get down baby girl." I told her before dropping me AK, turning on my invisibility watch, and bringing my Katanas out.

"Fuck we don't know where she is boss." I guy said as they all lowered their guns.

"Whatchu mean man? I'm right here." I whispered in the guys ear with a wicked smile even tho no one could see, lightly putting my hands on his shoulders.

The dude had mega fast reaction time but I beat him. Before he could turn around and shoot me I took a grip of his forehead and Chin and snapped his neck causing him to fall to death drop.

I'm quite impressed I did that, it takes a lot of strength to snap someone's neck especially with his Noah Beck Lookin ass.

Once they saw that there was no point in fighting they tried to go through the front door but it looks like the rest of the team barricaded it from the outside. Now they were all mine.

Starting off with the men I ran around the room using my Katanas to cut them, with them trying to fight back and catch me of course. It started off as small scratches since I was playing it safe but when I saw how trash fighters they really were I took a leap of faith.  

Plus I didn't want this to be boring.

I ran over to the farthest guy, and it a split second his body was on the floor and his head was balancing on my Katana, but to everyone else it was just a bloody head floating in the air. 

"Well I'm only here to have fun and being invisible is no fun at all. I wanna be the last person y'all see before y'all die." I said before swiping on my watch, revealing myself. 

This time they took out their guns beginning to shoot at me but then again I am way more skilled then they are. 

One by one I made sure to make them feel pain before I decapitated them or simply cut them until they bleed out quickly. 

About a solid ten minutes later I stood in the middle of the room, huffing and puffing trying to catch my breath while standing all around pools of blood, dead bodies, and heads. 

I'm sure I got shot at least once, I'm not superhuman, I can't dodge bullets, if they weren't so scared that they couldn't aim I'm sure that I'd be the one on the floor but that's the affect I have. And I was having too much fun, and my adrenaline was all the way up. 

I couldn't help but look around and laugh once I caught my breath. 

Dead bodies, all around... caused by me. 

It's so funny, that one human did all this. It's so funny how weak most people are. Since they didn't want to think smart this is where it got them. 

Not only is their weakness funny, but the way they suffered is hilarious. When it comes to people I haven't grown a bond with, I don't mind killing them or laughing at them while they die slowly. Seeing someone blood all over themselves, while screaming for help even though it's useless, knowing damn well you caused that. 


Is so pleasing, that's why I do what I do. I wanna watch people suffer while I stand over them. I'm just build different. 

Once I was done laughing up a storm, I dropped one of my katanas, took my mask off, threw it on the floor, and wiped some blood off my face. 

I could hear Brad Crying. 

I looked up at him making his breath hitch, making sure he saw my huge smile. 

I swiftly walked over to him while he whimpered on the ground. 

"Don't mess with me or my loved ones. It's not very smart but I've come to the realization that you ain't very smart in general." I whispered in his ear, before kicking him in his balls, making him fall to his knees. 

"Any last words?" I asked, raising the tip of my sword and slightly pressing it on his throat. 

"Please. PLEASE! I'm begging you! Don't kill me, spare me! I'll disappear from your life! I won't cause any of you any problems ever again! Just please spare my Reaper I don't wanna die! And I'm so sorry for disrespecting you!" He sobbed, tears streaming down his face like waterfalls. 

I almost felt bad for the guy. 

Emphasis on almost. 

"Ya know what? I'll let you live." I said lowering my sword. 

"Really?!" Brad and Lauren yelled, clearly baffled by my answer. 

I tried to hold up but it didn't work.

"PFFTT! Sike! I lied, your life.... IS MINE! DISrespectfully, Fuck is you talking bout?!" I said with a snap of my fingers before slicing his throat. 

I watched, 100% amused as he gasped for air.

He was dying too damn slow and I started getting bored so I went over to Lauren, took the ugly ass tacky wedding ring he gave her off of her and threw it into his wide open mouth. 

Since now he had absolutely no more airways his dead body fell to the ground. 

"Thank you so much baby. You have no idea how helpful this was. And I appreciate you for waiting, I could tell how much fun you had." Lauren said as I turned to her. 

I went in to hug and kiss her but she pushed me away making me pout. 

"Aww, I don't get how you go from a blood thirsty killer to the most cutest thing. And plus you're all bloody and sweaty." She said before blowing me a kiss and I just shrugged since I understood how she felt. 

She signaled me to follow her as we walked out the mansion.

"Y'all did it?" Normani asked as we stepped into the car. 

"Well duh Mani. You can tell by all the damn blood on Y/N." Dinah said before all eyes were on my. 

At first they were grossed out by the blood but once they took a whiff they all began gagging. 

"FUCKING DRIVE BEFORE WE ALL THROW UP IN THIS DAMN CAR!" Lauren yelled making me roll my eyes. 

Hehe, that was the most amount of fun I've had in a while. 

(Short Chapter because a lot of shit is going on in my life and updating is a stress reliever sometimes ❤️)

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